Sunday 12 April 2020

Quarantine Determination

Happy Easter everyone! Hope everyone is staying home and keeping healthy and occupied.

my project - teaser alert!
During the last two weeks, life has created lots of hours for me to sew and go for walks but mostly sew. I started two new projects and today I am happy to say that they are both completed tops...flimsies ready to be sandwiched. Although in the one case, there is some applique  I must complete before sandwiching can occur. Can anyone guess what the navy fabric has to do with this quilt top. Hopefully this week I can post the totally finished top and you can see...more teasing!!
In the midst of getting these two done, I have been using these log cabin blocks as leaders and enders and they are growing.Only two more sides to be attached.

Edyta Sitar 15 day mystery-100 blocks
sticky bun,rolls, loaf bread..yum
Seems like everyone is baking. Although I would rather be in the sewing room, I attempted cinnamon buns.  First attempt was edible but not yesterday I made a second batch. It makes one loaf of bread, one pan of cinnamon buns and a couple dinner rolls. They turned out very yummy and there was lots of gooey sauce to put on them too. Baking leads to needing to walk more and that is not in the schedule for me if I want to get any UFO or the two quilt tops finished and ready to bind.

log cabin leader and ender blocks
Off on the side-burner(AKA my pile of boxes)is a new pattern that I saw and would like to draft into a pattern. I saw the pic on pinterest and liked it but there was not pattern. I have attempted to draft one. I will have to make a sample block to see if all the measurements work or not. Stay tuned on that effort.

Slow stitching will happen after supper today. I have a new knitting project on the go, an afghan for ME!!! I have seen many ads for these sampler afghans and really like them, so I am trying to make one.I have been over at Kathy's blog and everyone seems to be busy.

I hope all continues to be well with everyone and that soon life will go back to normal, whatever that is!!


  1. HAPPY EASTER;)) We are trying to stay busy here; grocery delivery is catch-as-catch-can here...our date has been pushed back 5 days so 76 and 81 we can no longer go to have to depend on store deliveries...very troubling times stay safe ~ ~ ~ Julierose

  2. Your Edyta mystery turned out beautifully! I love it!
    And that baking has my mouth watering!
    Wish I lived in the country so I could go for a walk.
    In spite of being told to stay home, people are out walking all the time and not staying apart. I saw 4 people standing at the bus stop yesterday laughing and talking as if there was no such thing as a pandemic! I have snuck out at night when there are no people around just for fresh air and stretching my legs but wow this is hard! The police ride around in golf carts in my daughter's neighbourhood yelling at people to go back home and threatening to fine them.
    Oaky... back to stitching!

  3. Yummy looking baking, we all seem to be spending a little more time in the kitchen these says making comfort food. I like the idea of making log cabin blocks as leaders and lenders too.


You just never know!

 The other day a friend texted me and asked if I recognized the photo she sent me. It was a photo of a quilt, one that I had made last year ...