Wednesday 29 April 2020

Mid week finish

 log cabin blocks
I have been working on these mini log cabin blocks for awhile now. I had been using them as leaders and enders with my other sewing. A couple weeks ago I decided they needed to be done as I had a smaller leader/ender to use! So the push was on!! I got them completed and designed a couple different layouts on EQ. I let DH decide which layout I would do. After a few computer techie errors on my part, we found one.
border pieces
Sewing up the quilt top took a day then there was a decision to make...plain borders or did I want something more. It was a smallish quilt so why not do a pieced border. WHY WHY wasn't someone there saying no no no ...finished is good, plain borders are good!! I swear I think, no I know it took longer to piece that border than it did to sew the top together. Didn't help when I made a change on the inner border. This outer border required me to use coping strips. Coping strips(for those that don't know) make the quilt the proper size to accept the pieced outside border. I thought I was being smart and ingenious,because the top and bottom borders were going to be twice as wide as the side borders. I didn't want them to look so different. So the wider border was cut in half. Half was the same colour as the rest of the inner borders and the other half I made the same colour as my log cabin blocks. Here was the problem...I used all the darker colours from the logs. After sewing all the borders on, I realized I should have used some lighter logs in places. So this morning I un-sewed a few pieces and replaced them with lighter logs. After sleeping on it overnight I knew I wouldn't be happy otherwise!!

ok so the border looks great!
There are all kinds of bias edges to this outer border and the thought crossed my mind to add another small border to enclose those edges....that was quickly and swiftly vetoed!! I stay stitched the edge instead and now it sits waiting to be quilted!! I do have enough of the inner border to do binding so that will finish the edge of the quilt nicely!!
OMG this was going to be a short and quick post.


  1. Beautiful finish on these--I love your twisty border--so pretty...
    ~ ~ ~ waving from afar Julierose

  2. This is a beautiful quilt, well done.

  3. It is fabulous and the border is perfect... great job!


You just never know!

 The other day a friend texted me and asked if I recognized the photo she sent me. It was a photo of a quilt, one that I had made last year ...