Sunday 3 May 2020

"May" I say Spring is!

finished seam with a bit to spare
Although there are still some cooler temperatures, the sun is feeling warmer and the trees are starting to show their buds. My oak tree and lilacs have just the start of buds showing. I am just waiting for warmer temperature and the gardening can start. But until then I will continue with my sewing/quilting, with the hopes of clearing out some UFO, which I would be more successful at if I would stop starting new projects. There's no fun in that!!
Today I am finishing up work on my log cabin quilt. You can read more about the beginnings of it here! The photo of my machine shows me winning at thread roulette while sewing the backing together.
I had to machine quilt one more pass around the outside border. The zig zag pieced border looks great, but quilting it seemed to take forever!! Zig 2 inches turn the quilt and zag 2 inches...repeat!! With that completed, I whipped up the binding.Nothing simple here, I did a two coloured binding. I just love how you can mix and match with a binding like this.
zig zag

Now since getting my new machine, I will have to tweek the application of this binding. On my old machine I used the edge of my walking foot which gave a scant 3/8" seam. My new walking foot makes a good 1/4"seam. The 3/8" worked perfectly so I will have to go back to the drawing board and resize the fabric pieces that I cut for the binding. But for now on this quilt, I trimmed the quilt larger so I didn't lose any points in my border.
binding ready


binding turned to backing
 So happy to have this one almost finished. My friend Louise has already requested it be on her bed when the Piranhas meet at my house(hopefully this year). This will be my slow stitching work for this evening. I have already visited Kathy's blog to see what she is doing and so happy that she is sewing and stitching again. This isolation is different for everyone. Be kind to those that you see, you never know how they are handling the situation. We can only hope that it will be over sooner than later.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the hand stitching ... binding's my favourite!
    Such a great scrap quilt!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...