Sunday 25 January 2015

It has been a lucky week!!

Untitled art work
Well it has definitely been a winning week! On Tuesday we had an artist come into guild to talk to us about modern painting and how that related to modern quilting. He gave away a framed painting of his and I won it!!!


Penelope will require a good spa day,case and machine
On facebook this week my cousin showed me a sewing machine that was being auctioned off. After a few comments...the price dropped from a starting bid of $30 to $10. I thought $10 wouldn't be too much for a door stop if it was that bad. Going on a picture only, I have never even touched the machine, I bid $10 and won! On Saturday I picked her up and brought her home. She requires a belt and a minor electrical wire repair but other than that she works and sews a nice seam. She is a "Piedmont". Has anyone heard of this machine? I am not able to find too much information on the internet about her. And as is customary...I have named her Penelope!!

How is it that you plan to wear your PJs and sew all day and all you have to show for your day is ....a clean shoveled driveway, 4 loads of laundry washed and dried, supper made and dishes done, manicure for one dog...OH and I got 7 of 12 blocks made, sashing and borders cut for a baby quilt. YIKES!!! I just can't seem to accomplish as much sewing wise as I use too!! haha
These are the rest of the whack and stack star blocks.  There was an extensive search for just the right colour for the sashing...leave it to DH to suggest blue! Of course it was the right choice but do you realize how many shades of blue there really are! OMG So this is how they sit on my living room floor. An open invitation of course for the puppy to come and lay down on them.

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So this evening will be my time to sit down and get some slow stitching done. I have a baby quilt to bind and if that gets done, there is always a few more blocks to go on the quilt that I am hand quilting. I have 11 of 30 blocks quilted. I started out so well doing a block a day...seems I have falled off track somehow!!
 Here's hoping the "time fairy" is good to you this week and you get lots done!!


  1. Alas, life all too often interferes with our plans to sit and sew all day. ;-) But it makes those days where it does work out all the. Kre precious, I think.

    Congrats on the wins ... the painting and the bid in the sewing machine.

  2. Yeah for you on your new art and your machine! I find I really need to use my time wisely or nothing gets done.

  3. She is probably a Japanese clone. I have been wanting a machone like that to put in a treadle. What a great deal!

  4. Your star blocks look great and I envy you that you have something to hand quilt right now! I have a pile of finished applique blocks that are intended for a hand quilted quilt, but that project is temporarily stalled since I discovered that the red batik I used for berries on EVERY SINGLE BLOCK has an unstable dye issue. :-( Meanwhile, this cracked me up: How is it that you plan to wear your PJs and sew all day and all you have to show for your day is ....a clean shoveled driveway, 4 loads of laundry washed and dried, supper made and dishes done, manicure for one dog..." That's how I feel EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Today I was planning to sew borders to my baby quilt, but all I have accomplished this morning is taking a sick kid to the doctor and getting his prescriptions filled! It's nice to know someone else shares my warped priorities where sewing comes first, and laundry should only happen when we run out of fabric or the sewing machine is broken!

    1. Too funny!!I have those rare days when I can sew all day...but then I am scrambling the next day! Why do we do this...quilting of course!!
      I would make up the berry quilt for yourself. Then no matter is the dye runs you can fix it. Diluted peroxide on the stains...I have had luck with this on rust marks.
      Hope your little one is feeling better!

  5. Penelope looks exactly like my Blue White! I think Missy is right... a Japanese or Singer 15 pretty! Congrats on adding to the herd!

    1. I saw a pic of an old Brother too...but a Japanese make is what I think she is! She needs a belt and a little electrical repair and she should be ready to go!


You just never know!

 The other day a friend texted me and asked if I recognized the photo she sent me. It was a photo of a quilt, one that I had made last year ...