Sunday 28 December 2014

Quiet Holidays

Yes that is what it has been a quiet one. My DD has been home and DH has two weeks we have had lots of family time. We are looking forward to New Year's eve as we have a wedding to attend and that should both end and start the year off great!
My baby girl and our two fur babies(who are waiting for cookies)
With family dinners and the rush of Christmas behind us...I am looking to the new year with all it possibilities! oh and endless projects that I have on the go!!

Today is about getting to sit at my sewing machine and get caught up on my clues for Bonnie Hunter's Mystery. Okay maybe a little laundry too!!! Tonight I am thinking might be family movie night but I will have to see how the day goes if that will happen or not! Regardless there will be some slow stitching with Kathy of some kind so I can sit and relax.Enjoy your Sunday and whatever you chose to do!!


  1. I have more family coming later this week, so I plan to get some slow stitching in today too! The weather outside has turned colder so time under the quilt will feel so good. Enjoy your stitching today!

  2. I love the possibilities a new year brings. Enjoy your stitching.

  3. Hope your babies had a wonderful time playing together... and that you had lots of stitching time today!

  4. Greetings from your newest follower!

    Family at Christmas is one of the best parts of the holiday, IMHO. Sounds like you've had a spectacular Christmas.

    I see two sweet goldens ... we lost our precious Toby a couple of years ago, and I'm ready to add another to our family. Alas, hubby is not ready (and for good reason, so we remain dogless - sigh).


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...