Sunday 10 July 2016

Just me and my doggie!

rainy day  goings on
DH is away with our daughter at a Music festival, which was a belated Father's Day present. So the dog and I have had the run of the house. With all the rain yesterday, it became an inside day and that was good for me. Lots of sewing/machine quilting got finished. I have some looming deadlines and this is one of them. It is a gift for my daughter for her 25th birthday in a couple of weeks. She knows it is coming but has no idea what the quilting will look like. I basted the quilt as usual with a special line of coloured basting showing me the perimeter of the center of the quilt. I needed this as I was quilting the quilt from the back. I sent her a email with a picture of part of the quilt to see if she realized what it was and she did right away!
song lyrics are the quilting
Today it will be binding for slow stitching Sunday. Although I think some regular sewing will happen first. I have missed sitting at my machine and just sewing patches together. But I will get some quality time doing that at the end of this week. Our annual "Fabric Piranha" weekend is coming. We usually meet at my house for this event but a change of venue was needed so all could be present this year. We can make anything work when we want to!! Besides this way I get to go to more quilting stores to collect row by row patterns and deliver my daughter's gift in person.

This week I have a program meeting for one of the guilds I belong to. I have been on program before but not at this guild. I am looking for ideas that are different. There is so much repetition that goes on between guilds, I want this guild to stand out. I have a good group of ladies joining me on this committee with varied interests so it should be simple! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Stay tuned as I cut, assemble,pack and get ready for the "Fabric Piranha"weekend.
Have a great week!!


  1. I like that quilting idea. How clever. Please share some more close-ups when the quilt is finished.

  2. Song lyrics is the quilting design?!?! Brilliant!
    See you soon!

  3. Sometimes it is good just to be alone and quiet by yourself. It brings piece.
    Kathleen Mary


Getting it done!

3quilt from gift box not enough binding   This week has been a week of designing, my favourite thing I think! I was "gifted" two b...