Friday 6 May 2016

Spring Fever!

Well it seems that Spring has decided to stay and maybe even become Summer in the near future!
It is nice to open windows, rake the lawn and even hear the frogs singing us to sleep at night. Living next to the creek and across the street from a pond,  you can hear them even with the windows closed. Another Spring activity is DH annual mud run, so he will be away this weekend and that leaves me with only time on my hands...hmm wonder what I could possibly do?
"Penelope" new home
I do have a few deadlines looming on the horizon so they will be looked at. But first I want to play on my new addition. A friend is moving and so she is re-homing some of her things. A sewing cabinet and machine were given to another friend of mine but she only wanted the machine...SCORE...I received the cabinet. It is homemade but the father-in-law(of the moving friend)worked for Singer so he made it to the correct specks. My blue Penelope(which I rescued from an auction) fits perfectly! I am so excited to have two machines in my sewing room now. Not that there is a lack of sewing machines in my house!!! :)
not so ugly looking anymore
This is what I am working on today. It is a quilt for my daughter.Don't adjust your settings....those colours are just that ugly!They were from a fat quarter club and we all agreed they are one of the ugly bunches we have gotten but my little girl loves them. Add in the newspaper print and we are set. I am working on the pieced border to finish it off. The pattern is from Sew Kind of Wonderful Curved Piecing.This is a gift for her 25th birthday and she knows already. The quilting will be done from the back using free motion, I am quilting on it the words of one of her favorite songs.

This is just for my southern readers. daffodils are starting to bloom. At this rate I should have them well into  June!!

As a side note, I wrote this post this morning and had good intentions. They however were derailed by a visit to my neighbours to see their litter of Golden Retriever puppies. It was great therapy to brighten my day. Now I have to get my train back on,sew,sew!!!!

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Getting it done!

3quilt from gift box not enough binding   This week has been a week of designing, my favourite thing I think! I was "gifted" two b...