Sunday 7 December 2014

Who turned that calendar page over?

plus two pans of fudge!
So it is December and just to make sure I remember Christmas is around the I am baking with hopefully a chance to do some slow stitching later tonight.I took advantage of having DH home today, while I was baking away and lost track of time.he got supper ready. A great help!!!
So now to put dishes in the dishwasher and clean things up. I also want to put up the tree tonight but not decorate it. My thinking is it will give the puppy a chance to get use to it before the decorations go on. She sure is growing, almost the size of our older retriever. This photo is a rare shot of them laying quietly beside each other!!
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This week I had some time to get started on Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt. I have clue one done and  the second clue cut out. I have changed up some of the colours too! So this week it is going to be getting more Christmas present finished and the house decorated. Check in later this week and see how I did!?!?!

clue 1 on left, clue2 to do on right
      Also this week it became official....I am the wife of the deputy mayor of our town. He was sworn into office this past Monday. I take a little good-natured ribbing from my friends, so on Wednesday I hosted lunch with them. I broke out the good china and dishes. We had homemade soup and goodies followed by an afternoon of knitting! And I polished up my tiara so they had lunch with a princess!! haha Only wished I had remembered to take pictures.
Dessert is all gone
table ready for company


  1. I can't wait to see how your Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt goes with your colors. I decided not to make one as I have so many UFOs already. I am visiting from Slow Sunday Stitching.

    1. too...but didn't want to miss the fun. I am only doing half the units for now!

  2. I am amazed at how much you seem to accomplish. I haven't even started my Christmas baking.....sigh. I am looking forward to seeing your mystery quilt.

    1. Trust me when I say I have good days and bad days!!!

  3. I've popped over from Slow Sunday Stitching. Congratulations to your husband! I'm looking forward to seeing your BH mystery quilt. Those cookies look good!

  4. The mystery is so much fun! Way to be the mayor's wife! Congrats to you both!

  5. Your mystery blocks are looking good!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...