Sunday 11 June 2017

My Girl Vacation

my lilacs are later bloomers-deep purple
This is the start of a busy week. I have some knitting to finish for a baby shower next Sunday, some plants that need to be put in the garden, binding on a challenge piece that needs finishing and of course I have to pack and make my shopping list for CQA.

I head out on Thursday for my friend's house and on Friday a van load of us are going to CQA in Toronto. It is a juried show of quilts from across Canada but also there will be vendors to see and buy things from, all under one roof.
poppies are starting to bloom too

It is a beautiful sunny day here but the black flies are so thick, I just can't stand to be out in them. They seem very bad this year. We are hoping with a few hot days,,,their numbers will dwindle. So I will be indoors getting things finished.
Yesterday was World Wide Knit in Public day and my friends and I went to the local Farmer's Market where  they had rocking chairs for us. It was a fun morning. Unfortunately I have no pics but I am getting least the camera was with me!! bahaha

coming together

more to sew

I will be hopping over to my friend Kathy's blog and doing some slow stitching with her today. See what others are up to today. Are you a hexie fan...she is looking for others and trying NOT to become one of us!!! Let's see if we can convert her!!Here is a project I have been working on for awhile is definitely a long long term project!!


  1. How did I miss knitting in public day?!?!?!
    Love your hexie project... it's gorgeous!
    ENjoy your stitching today!

  2. Your hexie project is so lovely - as are your photos! For the flies, I use Rescue! Disposable Fly Trap. Fill it with water, hang it up (not close to the house as it has an odor) and the flies go inside! It's like a "Hotel California"! Beautiful projects! Thank you for sharing!

  3. It seems you have some projects to keep you busy, the hexie project is coming along nicely. I tend to bring my camera along but manage to forget to snap a photo I guess we are just having too much fun. The rocking chairs at the Farmers Market sounds like fun.

  4. Lovely hexie project. Looks like you have a lot done already. Enjoy! ;^)


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...