Monday 10 August 2020

Quilting Hiatus

flower bed 1

cone flowers

hens and chicks

It seems as though that is exactly what has happened. I have not been in my sewing room for well over 2 weeks. I have worked on my hexies while fishing with DH but sitting at the sewing machine...nope!!

Now to explain...of course there is always an excuse reason! One of my closest friends became a grandma again. So of course I had to make something but she is a quilter as well so I leave quilts to her. I have been in knitting mode instead.  I will be delivering them next week and hopefully will get a peek at the new little addition!

purple poppy

But today is for get back into the sewing room and find something to do?! Really what I mean is figure out where I left off on any given project that I might want to work on. I am posting a day late to join in on the slow stitching with Kathy. But know I was busy with a different kind of thread and did check in to see what everyone was doing...and get some inspiration.


pots of portulaca

So I decided that this post will be a view of my gardens. The other day I went out and took pics of all the blooming flowers and one of the continuing to grow gardens(we  have 4 gardens in various places).

Pickling(dilled beans) has begun and also the zuchinni loaves are being made and frozen for the winter.

Sorry about those little white squares and rectangles....posting pictures in this new format has a bit of a learning curve.


  1. Your garden pictures are lovely! Yes, I've read a few post of others who also worked in crafts other than sewing this week. I hope you get to see the new baby. Your header photo is so pretty! It made me smile!

  2. You have been busy! Gardening while you can, fabric always waits patiently. Beautiful gardens and those dilly beans look yummy. My brother always makes a bunch of them every year.


You just never know!

 The other day a friend texted me and asked if I recognized the photo she sent me. It was a photo of a quilt, one that I had made last year ...