Thursday 12 March 2020

Quilting is good medicine

It is the best medicine...doing something you love. If I have to stay home and not go anywhere...that is what I will be up to. Today has been a frustrating day. A short shopping trip just added to that frustrations. How a virus that affects the lungs can cause a shortage of toilet paper?!?! who knows!!

So I am trying to look past all this craziness and look to fun, more positive things. A friend's dog had puppies today,my cousin who loves dogs is a foster mom to a new sweetheart and did everyone see that Bonnie Hunter got a dog too!! So excited for everyone. Can you tell I  am a dog person!! 

Spring is showing signs of arriving and with that the maple sap is starting to run. We have one litre of the sweet maple syrup already made!! yum yum!!

I also finished the whole cloth quilt I was working on. It took less than a month to do the quilting and I just have to hand sew down the binding. You can read more about it here!

With that I am looking to change things up a bit. Looking for  a new project to work on. I did a bit of applique on a single block. Very small pieces and that cured me of that project. Then moved onto a older project that has been sitting. Another applique of Hawaiian needle turn. I was one quarter the way done when I realized there was a hole in the fabric I was appliqueing down. The fabric was a kit, from a how-to class. I have now decided that the fabric is not worth my time. It was either cheap fabric or not good quality either way I have too many other projects to do, to be wasting my time on this one. A good way to clear out the sewing room!!

So with all that today, I think it is a good time for a cup of tea and curl up in my big arm chair and just cuddle under that quilt that needs binding. I think that is the prescription for what ails me today!! Tomorrow will be another day!!


  1. Good for you--that is basically what I am doing, too;;keep calm and carry on I guess..hugs, julierose

  2. So true... quilting is good medicine... take two more spoonfuls!


Holiday weekend

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