Sunday 10 March 2019

Spring ahead.....cruel joke!!

March and I still love a snowfall
Spring ahead to warmer temps and Springlike weather.....NOT!!! Definitely a cruel joke this morning with freezing rain hitting the window hard enough to wake me. It has been switching from snow to rain and back again all day. Good reason to stay indoors and sew...well a nap did happen too!
basting hexies
After my last post, I have been feeling better although the cough is still hanging on.Thanks for all the well wishes I received. I hate being sick!! DH found a way for me to watch Canadian men's curling(we don't have TV anymore) so many hexies were made this week and sewn into diamonds for my quilt that has been a work in progress for many years....5 or 6!!This was my view that I missed putting in a post last Sunday. I was stitching along with Kathy and everyone else too!
tumblers getting put all in a line/row
In between waiting for matches to appear on you tube...I got to do some sewing. I made a tumbler quilt a couple years ago when Bonnie Hunter had it as her leader and ender challenge. Recently my daughter mentioned how she liked the quilt and could I make her one. Well, I had enough already cut to get started, only had to cut some of the muslin ones to keep sewing. So some time was spent sewing them up this weekend.
I have finished this large quilt that was a somewhat mystery quilt for guild. I have had the pattern sitting on my cutting table for a couple years and really wanted to do it. Being on the program for the guild, I brought it up as a project we could do and it was accepted. I took it a step further, summoning my inner Bonnie Hunter...I did string piecing on the background pieces. This used up a lot of scraps that would otherwise be sitting in my bushel basket still. It also added to the length of time it took me to do the quilt..but what character it also added.
my Sara Joe..aka Samatha Claire
I am checking in with my friend Kathy and looking at what everyone is slow stitching on today. Great to see some hand quilting happening. I love hand quilting and would love to have one on the poles but renovations are underway right now and it just isn't a good time for that. So I will have to settle for sewing and maybe some machine quilting!


  1. Your Sara Joe quilt is lovely - miss seeing all my quilting ladies - hate this winter

  2. Impressive piecing... so many little ones. And I do love it. I a working on some hexies, too. Have fun!

  3. I have to keep reminding myself that spring doesn't come until the 21st. Your quilt is so beautiful with the white background and all those beautiful colorful squares and triangles. I meant to make a tumbler quilt too, but haven't gotten around to it.

  4. Wow, that is a lot of snow! Good thing someone shoveled out the doorway for you. I love your Sara Jo quilt with it's mix of patterns.

  5. Oh my, your Sara Jo quilt is lovely. All those itty bitty pieces stitched! A fabulous quilt for oodles of scraps. Surely Spring has to turn up at your place soon.

  6. Glad you feel better. Sara Jo is amazing. Looking forward to seeing those tumblers take shape. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Love seeing your hexie work area... so much fun!
    Fantastic scrappy finish... Bonnie would be proud!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...