Sunday 12 February 2017

Hurry up and wait!

Metro Rings
That seems to be the theme of the week. Hurry get all that snow cleaned up before more falls! Hurry get your pieces and steps ready for your class so you know what you are teaching...and wait for the classs day to arrive! Hurry and get that quilt marked but the special batting isn't in yet. Oh well 2 out of three ain't bad...haven't marked the quilt yet.
edit pic to less blurry
In a couple weeks I will be teaching another class using the Sew Kind of Wonderful curved ruler. We will be making Metro Rings. It is similar looking to the double wedding ring. So I am trying to get three jobs done in one quilt. Teach the class, make a quilt big enough for my bed and use a colour scheme that I have wanted to try for awhile. If the first few blocks are any indication...I am well on my way!
This week I have also been putting the final embroidery stitches in my snowman quilt. I have to "fly stitch" on all the seam lines between the blocks. I thought this was crazy but it really does add something to the overall effect.                                                    

brighter pic on the snowy background
dark pic shows hearts

Also this week I finished this baby quilt. I had done some machine quilting on it but wanted to add the hearts with hand quilting. It becomes another quilt for my charity pile which is growing!
While DH and the pooch are away for the weekend I have lots of quiet time to get things done so I better get at it or they will be home before I know it!
I will be joining my friend Kathy and doing some slow stitching later today. I should have something to do while watching QuiltCam with Bonnie Hunter which is later this afternoon.
Have a great week everyone!


  1. Those metro rings are neat! It will be fun to see all the blocks together! Have fun stitching today. Raining here...very little snow this winter.

  2. I thought that was a double wedding ring block. Blues & yellows are my favorite color combination! Your embroidered blocks are very pretty and that stitch does enhance the blocks.

  3. Your right, the fly stitching does add a lot and well worth the time spent.

  4. Love the fly stitching!
    Did you catch Quiltcam?I can't watch it live now because I don't have facebook, but I'll watch it on archive later.

    1. Did get to catch it live...but she ran out of triangles to it ended early.Too bad about could get an account and really limit visability so you can watch live.But archive works.


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...