Sunday 5 February 2017

February Snow

snowing heavier than it looks
Yup the groundhog may have seen his shadow but tell Mother Nature that...we are in the middle of a snow storm. I actually don't mind looks so pretty and peaceful outside while I am inside sewing and quilting away!
I have had a productive week too. The baby quilt from my last post (you can see it here) is finished and I was able to move onto something else. Another baby quilt. This was a panel that I added one outside border to. I quilted it yesterday and the binding is complete too but I want to do some hand quilting of the hearts on it. That hand quilting will be practice for a bigger job that I am hoping to have set up this week.
not a great pic but shows the quilting
I have been working on finishing up other projects too. The embroidery is all done. Now to square the blocks to the proper sizes and get the top together. I finished the patchwork pieced blocks 2 Fall retreats ago. This has been a work in progress for sure. It actually might get done this winter!?!!

Belle approved, still need trimming
I will be joining my friend Kathy and doing some slow stitching later today. Check out her blog and see what she and others are up to today. Always fun to check in with everyone and get inspired to get to work.
There is going to be some shoveling in my day at some point too. Do I do some now and some later or just leave it and let DH and his tractor go to work! Hmm decisions, decisions!!!


  1. I am contemplating the same thing; do some shoveling, or let the Hubby go for it. Ha, ha! We are in the midst of a blizzard as well. Beautiful to look at...hmmm...think I'll have that second cup of tea.

  2. We had about N inch of snow this we shovel or just wait until it melts on Wednesday when the high is supposed to be 7 degrees C.??? Have fun stitching and watching it snow!

  3. We have warmed up but I hope there's more snow yet to come. Your embroidery is very nice. I bet it was fun to do.

  4. You have quite a bit done on the winter scenes embroidery.

  5. So cute to see Bell bringing her toy to share with the quilt :)
    Enjoy your stitching!

  6. Your projects are beautiful. I love your embroidery. We are expecting some icy rain tomorrow and some snow Wednesday into Thursday. I am sort of hoping for a snow day!

  7. Love the embroidery project that was a big undertaking I look forward to seeing how you finish it.


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...