Sunday 12 October 2014

All Stuffed and now for leftovers!!

jars of beet pickle and soup broth
Yes filled with turkey and stuffing and now leftovers. Well I won't have that much, most of it went home with other family members but I got the turkey remains. And this is what happened to half of it today...boiled it down to make soup later. Also today I pickled beets. I can't seem to grow them in my garden so bought them from a friend who has a green thumb and has a huge garden...well okay a farm!!
DH is gone guitar playing for the evening so it is just me and the dogs to sit and relax and get some slow stitching in with Kathy and the rest of the ladies!
Are you sick of puppy stories yet? Well here is one that is not so funny but I am sure will be in a few days. I have been knitting this pair of socks for myself. The other day I came to the realization that I had done something wrong and had to take out all of the knitting to the cuff. So I did and left it on the couch. Next day I thought the dogs were sleeping and I was doing housework. I came out into the family room to find the knitting on the floor and 3 or the 4 bamboo needles and a piece of yarn  chewed. ARGGG!!!! I just keep saying "she's cute...good thing she is cute!"
So tonight I am knitting from is a kind of stitching and believe is definitely slow stitching!!!
will need new knitting needles
 Hope you're enjoying your weekend!


  1. It is a good thing she is cute! Bummer on the knitting and needles. Those beets look heavenly - love them as do my kids. My hubby just turns up his nose.

  2. MMMMMMmmm turkey dinner sounds so good, especially today as we are having a cool spell. Sounds like you had a Happy Thanksgiving with family. Oh those knitting needles must have been too tempting! I am fortunate our rescue schnauzer has always been very good about not chewing. But his basket of toys are always all over the floor. You would think seeing me pick them up all the time he would get it and put them back in his basket! LOL

  3. Sometimes it is their 'cuteness' that keeps them alive ;)

  4. Oh dear, poor needles! Hope you can replace them soon.

  5. Oh dear... bad puppy! She just wants to get in on the slow sunday stitching craze!! LOL


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...