Sunday 29 March 2020

Spring is coming

up to #9 done on mystery
The snow is melting mostly cause it is pouring rain outside today. But other signs of Spring are around. The sap is running which means fresh maple syrup is being made. Too bad hubby has to be outside in the rainy weather to make it though. Have not seen a robin yet no surprise since we still have lots of snow but the chipmunks are back! I also have some tomato,kale and cabbage seeds plants and they are popping up.

pattern I am working on
In the sewing room more patches are being made. I am keeping up with the Edyta mystery while also sewing up some blocks for a quilt for myself. Progress seems slow but I keep reminding myself that I am making two quilts at the same time.Getting closer to using that navy for something special on these blocks in the picture.

I am setting aside some time this afternoon to bind a quilt. I decided on a black binding with a white swirl for my spider web quilt. I think it look fun. I had asked for suggestions but with not wanting to add borders and the purple with black polka dot backing.... this choice seemed the best.You can even see some of the machine quilting I did on this quilt. Now sewing black binding at night is not something I like to do so that is why I will try to do it this afternoon. So it will be my slow stitching project to join in with Kathy and the others today!

I will have to venture out for groceries this week, we have gone almost three weeks so I think that is pretty good.  Hope everyone is doing their best to stay safe and stay home as much as possible.


  1. Gosh, you have done well not to venture out to the grocery shop for three weeks! The Edyta mystery blocks are lovely. Those soft colours go together beautifully. Your quilting design on the Spider Web quilt is great. Love that backing and the binding is the perfect fabric choice.

  2. You are doing amazing to last for 3 weeks! i have difficulty lasting for 1 week!
    Hope you are enjoying binding your spider web quilt!


Holiday weekend

 The first long weekend that signals the beginning of summer. While I was suppose to travel to visit my daughter, plans changed and I am hom...