Sunday 21 March 2021

Breathe.....Slow and Steady

 That has been what has been keeping me going. Today marks one month since I lost the love of my life, my best friend. But life goes on and I have put on my big girl panties and am working through all that needs to be done. I have sat back and reflected on those first days and have let go of all those initial expectations. Now I look at each day and take what is given to me. You can't plan for a situation like this and now I can just do what I can do. One day at a time, one hour at a time, knowing he is by my side in all I do.

a few of the tapped trees
I have been knitting and a little hand quilting but honestly I have been so busy with tapping trees for maple syrup, walking the dog and keeping her busy and planting seedlings for the garden that the time seems to have flown by.

my spring colours for Carla's quilt-along

                       Yesterday was International Quilting day, but I spent the day out in the sunshine, just soaking up the rays. I have not gotten back into my studio to sew but with time....that too will come. I have many projects I want to get to. I have fabric all set out for a quilt along with Carla at Quilting by the river but haven't cut it yet. I have printed the instructions and it will be my first project to tackle when my heart and mind are ready. For now I have started a sweater from Sweet Yarns knitting store in Sudbury
and will work on that...should be ready for next Fall!

our creek opening up
        Although I haven't been sewing, I am still checking in with my friend Kathy and all the slow stitchers to keep me interested and see what you are all doing. It warms my heart to read all the comments you left me on my last post. Quilters really are amazing people. Friends, strangers and quilters from all over the world sent love and comfort which lifted my spirit. For that I am glad I am part of such a great group of people.

This is my journey and I hope you don't mind being along for the ride with me.


  1. Thanks for allowing us on the journey with you!
    Love the photos of the signs of spring... the creek opening and the sap flowing, and fabrics pulled for a new spring project. I'll have to look up what Carla's quilt along is about.

  2. Tapping trees for maple syrup - brings back memories of home for me. Big hugs to you and so glad you have the dog to keep you company and help you through.

  3. Glad to hear you are getting through one day at a time, and slowly getting back to your new normal. Take care! I still keep you in my prayers every day!

  4. When it is tie you LL see. Until the sunshine is healing and memories are warming.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss, I cant imagine what it must be like for you. Sending you cyber hugs and best wishes to stay strong. Having hobbies like ours is a blessing, when you are ready to stitch again.

  6. So thankful for the new spring season. A few nice days warms the heart. Every day is a new day and we are here to support you. Hoping to see with you soon. Hugs.

  7. I have thought of you a lot over this last little while. It's nice to see you have posted and taking each day moment by moment. I am loving the fabrics you have chosen for the quilt along; such pretty colours. Take care, lovely lady.


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...