Sunday 19 May 2024

Holiday weekend

 The first long weekend that signals the beginning of summer. While I was suppose to travel to visit my daughter, plans changed and I am home getting lots of things done. I have been working on my gardens and have only a few more things to  plant. My body however has other plans and is warning me to sit and rest. So once again in my favourite chair on the front porch enjoying the gentle breeze and the shade(for now till the sun comes around the house). Been here too long the bugs have found me!

mini quilts for stuffys
This past week I was part of a mini retreat. We rented a banquet area of the local golf course and had 3 days of sewing. I unfortunately could only go Monday and Wednesday. My furry critter doesn't like me being gone that many days in a row. I didn't do any sewing by machine at this retreat, I set up my Qsnap frame and did hand quilting for the two days. Oh how I have forgotten how much I enjoy hand quilting. This might be the kickstart I need to getting one onto the big frame soon! While at retreat I was given a couple baggies of scrap triangles. I have turned most of them into little stuffy quilts. Last night I sandwiched, quilted and bound them. Quick work fun and done!

lilacs almost ready

Today after working outside a bit and then cleaning inside, how does it get so messy if I am outside!?! I am planning on catching up on my 365 blocks. I am about a week behind.

After I see what Kathy is slow stitching today, I will be heading indoors where it is much cooler. I like the sunshine but not the hot temperatures anymore.
Have a great week!

forget me nots in bloom


  1. Hand quilting is enjoyable, isn't it. Those mini quilts are pretty. I too, find it hard to listen to my body when it's nudging me it's time for a rest. =)

  2. Love your mini’s. Thanks for sharing

  3. Cute mini quilts! We do have to listen to our bodies, even when we don’t like what they are saying! Have a good week! Gail at the cozy quilter.


Getting it done!

3quilt from gift box not enough binding   This week has been a week of designing, my favourite thing I think! I was "gifted" two b...