Sunday 6 January 2019

Happy 2019!!!

It's a new year...a time of new beginnings and thinking that anything is possible. With that thought in mind, let's go digging for those UFO, those projects that you have always wanted to do or just start a new quilt!! What are we waiting for? In the few short weeks of this new year, I have lost a cousin and two of my family's friends have lost family there is no time to waste or put off for another day.

I was working on Bonnie Hunter's leader and ender project for this year and put the top together to find time to sandwich it and quilt it. I have also been working on  mini nine patches for a quilt we are doing as a bit of a mystery at guild. The ladies have seen the picture of the quilt but we will be giving them instructions bit by bit so they can finish the quilt by June.
I will be checking in with my friend Kathy to see what she is up to this year and her slow stitching Sundays! I don't have any hand stitching projects lined up as yet but I am sure they will come along as the year proceeds! Winter is usually good for one hand quilting project but with renovations ongoing in my house that might be a stretch,but it might also keep me out of DH's way!!

 It is my birthday today and at double nickels...or 55 years old, those socks just say it all !!! Here's to a day of sewing and hubby making supper!
Just a bit younger than 55 years


  1. Happy Birthday, Deanna - have a great day

  2. Happy birthday! I hope Ted is treating you like a queen today!
    Love the socks!

    1. Wish I could have gotten more of them at Christmas time. He made supper including dessert(apple crisp) and cleaned up!!

  3. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day. I am so sorry for the loss of your cousin. I hope you get a good start on finishing one of your UFOs.


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...