Sunday 14 August 2016

Raindrops keep falling on my head....

lilies finally bloomed-now enjoying the rain
No not complaining that is for sure. We were in much need of this rain but it doesn't have to do its catching up all in one weekend but it is trying!! It has been raining, drizzling and or misty since Thursday night. Just what we  and all the gardens needed, a gentle soaker rain.
quilts that still need sleeves.
With all this weather it leaves lots of time for indoor activities. My daughter is home for the weekend and so today I think it will be hand stitching and some movies. I have this pile of quilts that need hanging sleeves for our quilt show in September. So in keeping with Kathy's slow stitching this is what I will be up to today. Not really a project that needs completing but it is something that needs doing! I don't put sleeves on my quilts unless they are going in a show and then I remove them.I have sewn on three already and have five more to do...they are the larger ones. A good job for today. Once these are done I might have time for some more hexies. The units are growing as I start to join them so I know where I have to fit things in.

Happy stitching!


  1. Now that is a job that I always procrastinate! Sewing on sleeves is boring, so it's a perfect job to do while watching TV with family.

  2. when it comes to sleeves on a quilt, someone needs to start a new trend of just draping show quilts, and then it needs to really catch on.

  3. I agree with Maggie my MIL's Church drapes them over the back of the pews at their church, such a wonderful setting. I hope you get your need to do task finished so you can move on to something much more fun!

  4. I am going to join you in sewing sleeves on quilts today also - a job I do not like either.

  5. Sounds like you have a wonderful family time scheduled. Enjoy.

  6. Try to enjoy stitching on your sleeves. Just think of the joy others will get from seeing your quilt at the show.

  7. I'm always in awe at the beautiful quilts I see at shows. I hope you had a great day with your family!!


Holiday weekend

 The first long weekend that signals the beginning of summer. While I was suppose to travel to visit my daughter, plans changed and I am hom...