Sunday 17 June 2018


looking good on newly painted porch
demo samples
 Yes it is done and the binding on...I just have to sew it to the backside and do a label. It is too warm here today to finish it though. Not the best picture but I am sure there will be more of this one in the future with two quilt shows on the horizon. With a big project like that done...I wanted to do a little something to feel accomplished. I had these two Christmas blocks hanging around. So I decided they would be perfect samples for a binding demo I have to do in a couple weeks. I will be showing flange binding.When finished they will make perfect little mini quilts for a couple stuffed animals for charity.

small wallhanging

I wanted to finish a few small projects so I went sewing room digging. I found a couple that can be done.....actually tackled one today. I found another pile of fabric with some blocks finished. I think this was something I picked up at guild. Not sure what it will be but  I am sure I can tackle it.
pieces to cut for next weekend retreat
I love when I can start something new and finish it in a few days, well in between those large projects that take so much time.

Binding will be what I will attempt today to join in with Kathy and some slow stitching. I am checking in with her to see if she is packing yet. We have one week till we get together with our  other friends Barb and Louise. They are all headed to my house next weekend for a few days of quilt-related fun. Oh we will be sewing and other shenanigans I am sure!! Looking forward to it...Girls...5 more sleeps!!!More blog posts this week as I get ready and then wait for them all to arrive!


  1. That is swell that you will be entering your snowman quilt in a show. I shall look forward to more photos of it and perhaps photos of the upcoming get-together. Enjoy your time with your quilting friends!

    1. There will definitely be one or two posts of our shenanigans.

  2. It is great to have a finish or 2 when you have bigger projects that take a long time. If the blocks are all the same, the finished maroon and green fabric will be a Hugs and Kisses quilt. I actually just finished piecing one yesterday and will start quilting it tomorrow. It's a quick, fairly easy project. Have fun with it.

    1. Thanks for the heads up. I was just going to make as many blocks as I had fabric to do so. Then lay them out!

  3. Congratulations on your Snowman finish! Yea! Your projects are so pretty - especially that wall hanging! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks but can't take all the credit...someone else did all that stitching. I just quilted it and put on the binding.

  4. Fantastic finish!
    Can't wait to see you!
    I am starting to get my projects organized and they all want to come along for the party!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...