Sunday 12 April 2015

UFO's...New is old again or is it old is new again!!!

On my last post I was asking how you get started after finishing a large project. Well...I am back working on a quilt that I started in the summer. I just need to finish hand quilting the border and it will be done.
I have been helping my sister with a project. She is a beginner quilter and has basic sewing skills so I could give her instructions and a way she would go sewing. The quilt  just needs binding and it will be done. I will show pics later as it is a gift.
extra blocks to make a small quilt
So while she has been here sewing I have been looking for that new project. Going through my sewing room I have rearranged things and played on some of my new to me machines. The other night I was playing around on my treadle machine. I tried it before and wasn't very coordinated but I must say after 30 minutes...I got the hang of it. I would so love to piece a quilt on the treadle machine.
This week I have completed a quilt for a lady's family. I washed it to freshen it up and I added a dye catcher to the machine unfortunately one was not nearly enough! The solid burgandy of the border bled a lot. I washed the quilt a second time and the red faded but didn't disappear. Oh well it will have to remain. The worse part is the backing is cream muslin so it really shows. There were some leftover blocks that I am hoping to make into a top today. I have to make up 3 more blocks. I don't have all the exact fabrics so I will have to improvise a bit.
now they are toys with their own quilts

I also got these little gems finished with my sister's help. She needed practice machine quilting(she had never done it before) so these little ones were great. I have some teddy bears that need a little quilt of their own before they find a new home with some little child.(one of our charity groups at guild)
If there is still day left when this is all done....I have embroidery that can be worked on for slow stitching Sunday with my friend Kathy...but who am I kidding , if I get one thing done today I will be considered a good day!
The sun is shining and I think I hear a robin, could it be that Spring is really just around the corner!!


  1. So happy to hear you are treadling! So fun!
    Enjoy your stitching today!

  2. Good for you getting the hang of treadling. Spring is definitely on the way. Hubby cleaned and oiled the fan on the central air it won't be long and it will have to come on. Happy stitching!

  3. I have my grandmother's treadle but have not got it up and running yet. Maybe some day... Good for you to figure it out!

  4. I'm so sad that the quilt you finished bled. :-(


Holiday weekend

 The first long weekend that signals the beginning of summer. While I was suppose to travel to visit my daughter, plans changed and I am hom...