Thursday 16 April 2015

Returning robins and melting snow

an hour after this pic that pile on the rock in the center was gone
It sure feels like Spring now. The fragrance of dog poop is in the air!!! haha In the course of two days our creek has lost its ice pack covering and is flowing with Spring runoff. I am continuing on with finishing projects. But I have a couple new ones on the horizon....a baby quilt and a couple wedding quilts. I love making baby quilts especially when you know if it is a boy or girl.

Spending this weekend with a quilting buddy, visiting and doing some sewing. I am hoping to finish this hand quilting project and get some more stitches into this embroidery project. Here's to the weekend ahead!!
blue work embroidery
done blocks just working on the border

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Holiday weekend

 The first long weekend that signals the beginning of summer. While I was suppose to travel to visit my daughter, plans changed and I am hom...