Sunday 4 August 2013

Count down is on!

It is one week to the weddings well it will be all over by this time next weekend! Yes two...although I won't be attending both as they are far apart(one is in a different province than I live) I do want to get both quilts done. Now having said that I will have a little more time for the out of province quilt because I am not sure when I will see them to give them their gift in person. But the other quilt I have completed the top(log cabin) in under a week and I am whimping out and sending it out to be long armed quilted. Hope I won't be binding it on the way to the wedding.I will post a pic later in the week once it is back from being quilted. So today I will continue to work on the hand quilting of the other wedding quilt.
Looking very summery
 Now somewhere in there this week I also have to finish the last clue in Bonnie Hunter's Easy Street Mystery. I  was asked to do a mystery quilt at one of my guilds. So I chose that one and we have been doing it since January.Along with the last clue, I want to put the top together to give the ladies some incentive to finish their tops for our September meeting.
Love these pink lilies
SQUIRREL!!!... funny saying around our house for completely changing the subject. I was out mowing the lawn and realized my lilies were starting to bloom. Now this is the flowerbed that was almost destroyed earlier this summer when we removed some trees. It has come along nicely I think! Check out Kathy's Quilts  and see what other hand stitching is going on today!


  1. Enjoy your hand quilting today...I know you will get it done, even if you have to bind one on the way to the wedding! Gotta love quilters, eh?!?
    Thanks for linking up!

  2. wow~!!~i love your pink lilies too~!
    hope you get lots hand quilted today and enjoy the wedding.


  3. Lucky wedding couples to get a quilt! Good luck with finishing them in time. Love your lilies, I have a few and are amazed that they survived the triple diget drought infested summer we had last year.


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...