Sunday 28 April 2019

Much needed soothing slow stitching

Being a caregiver to a parent with Alzheimer's can be trying and mind boggling. Add in water in her basement and her world and ours is upside down! But I have my sewing room to come home to and relax in and unwind!
quilt inspector Belle
Yesterday was a ME day. I had the house to myself except for the dog and she slept while I machine quilted the day away. I then decided I needed wanted to add some hand quilting. The search was on for the proper template...right size but not too busy....BINGO!! simple hearts will do the trick. I will mark each block as I come to it.
tried to show the hearts
I have also finished the binding on another quilt, you can see the finished top here! And I got the binding on a third quilt that will be a gift for a friend. So it has been pretty productive week. A few hexies were completed as well while we traveled on Easter weekend to see our daughter and her boyfriend.

I will take some quiet time today to check in with my friend Kathy and see what everyone else is working on. That will be later as I have a date with friends for a tea party and some adult conversation...solving all the world's problems one china tea cup at a time!!

 We still have a bit of snow laying around in patches but hoping the warmer weather and rain will help it to disappear. Have a great week everyone and hope you all stay dry!!


  1. Looks like you took full advantage of your day. Congrats!!

  2. Belle is beautiful, and takes her quilt inspector job very seriously, it seems


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...