Sunday 27 December 2015

Home again!

new PJs all around
not to be left out
It has been a few very busy but relaxing days. We spent the holiday with our daughter at her house. With the crazy "no snow" weather the travelling was easy to do. We did a little shopping, decorating cookies and lots of movie watching. She lives near Lake Huron so with the big wind storm we had, one day we went down to the beach and the waves were amazing. It was the closest we got to being cold, with the wind whipping off the lake.
beach at Port Elgin

All the projects I wanted to finish were completed. Deadlines do seem to work for me.So here are just some of the things I have done but couldn't show until now.

 But now to catch up on things. I have fallen terribly behind on the Bonnie Hunter mystery. I think I started clue 2 and have gone no farther. So this week that is what is on my agenda. I also have to get the layout design ready for a class I am teaching in a couple of weeks. We will be paper piecing but I am not sure what the final project will be yet. YIKES!!!
Heading out with a get together with friends so not much slow stitching will be getting done today but check in with Kathy and see what others are up to today. If you still have family around ...enjoy and if all visitors are gone and the house is quiet...enjoy that too!!!


  1. Sounds like a perfect Christmas, except for no snow :)
    Hope you get some time for stitching and relaxing today!

  2. We traveled to our daughter's as well and it was kinda fun NOT hosting CHristmas for the first time. Yours sounds as cozy as ours was. :)


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...