Sunday 5 April 2015

Happy Easter Weekend and slow stitching day!

1 back seat, 2 dogs..they figured it out
Yes it is Easter and no we are only slightly closer to calling it Spring around here. The yard is still covered with snow although it is disappearing slowly. We spent the weekend with our daughter in her new home.DH and I loaded the two dogs in the car and away we went. It was my first visit but won't be my last...I keep telling her. An extra bonus is there is a quilt store and a knitting store within walking distance. I got to visit both this weekend and came home with a couple purchases.
While we were there DH was the handy man and I got to visit and sit and be spoiled. But all good things come to an end and we travelled home today.
So I have some time for some slow stitching with Kathy which is a good thing because last week I finished a couple small projects and they need binding. I am especially proud of the lap quilt as I did free motion quilting on it. Anyone who knows me or follows this blog knows I prefer hand quilting but will begrudgingly do machine quilting. Not only did I free motion  but I did feathers which turned out rather nice if I do say so myself. I spent one evening doodling on paper, practicing them and that really helped. The next morning I set up the machine and got right down to it. They went so well, I wanted to do the whole quilt in them but that wasn't going to work.The second project is a table center piece that was in the bag of goodies I bought the other week on my most lucky day(you can read about it here)!
I am not sure what this week holds in store but I have a few projects that I can get just a little closer to being finished and that is always a good thing!!! Enjoy the long weekend and hope the Easter bunny left you all good things!!

front of the feather's quilt

center piece for Fall


  1. Looks like your dogs are good travelers ... our Golden was a "Nervous Nellie" in the car. ;-) Sounds like you've got several good reasons to make that trip again.

  2. Your feathers look great! And I love the Fall center piece! cheers!

  3. Yah you feather quilter! Way to go!
    Enjoy your binding!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...