Sunday 31 July 2022

Getting ready for fair season

 After being away on a short vacation, I have returned and have a renewed want/need to clean out my sewing room. I need to empty those many boxes, bags and containers if for no other reason than to find out what I have. Some have been sitting around for so long I have forgotten just what is there. My daughter suggested that as I go through the bags I should blog about each one. So here is the first bag.

Upper left lots of pieces, some hst, quarter square triangles and some other pieces. Looks like leftovers from a quilt. I started to put them together into a quilt top, adding some of my own fabric where needed.  I am hoping it will become a single bed size!

Lower left is a kit from guild of a drunkard's path. No one wanted to put it together so I will give it a try at a later date. A small baggie of yellow and black hst, some orphaned pink blocks and some orange and navy 4 patches. I think all these will become small mini quilts for the stuff animals that I then give to charities to be given away.

hoping it will be single bed size eventually
Earlier this week I finally finished this quilt top(see below) that I was determined to finish before I started anything else. I increased it by two rows on the width and 2 rows on the length. There will be no borders just binding. It is one of the four projects that I started at the beginning of the year. So far 2 of 4 projects are done and the other two are finished tops. Not bad and I am hoping to have them finished before the year is done!

needs ironing but quick snap outside tonight
           I also pin basted a quilt top. It is the last of the promised Christmas gifts I gave this past year. The quilt when done will be donated to Quilts of Valor in my friend's name. You can read about my idea here.

It is very warm here today so I took the afternoon off and went to visit family at the cottage. So tonight as it cools off I will get in some slow stitching and join Kathy as one of her followers. So glad to hear that she is feeling better. She is part of my fabric piranha group and we will be getting together at the end of August, always a good time.


  1. Good for you Deanna!💞

  2. I like the idea of blogging about your bag discoveries. I so need to organize my craft area/basement. I don't know everything I have and can't find a couple of items that I want to work on. Your quilts are very pretty. Have a great week!

  3. The scrappy star quilt is beautiful! Enjoy your slow stitching this week!
    Yes... now that I've got covid out of the way, I hope to be in tip top shape for Piranha weekend!

  4. I call this fiber therapy. I on the other hand have not been in my sewing room. Enjoying the garden and the construction of my cabin and dreaming of sewing in it.


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...