Sunday 31 May 2020

Rainy and cold

plant covering in the background, oh lilac!!
After our first heat wave of the summer, we now have had 2-3 days of rain and overnight it went down to 4 degrees Celcius(40 degrees F for my American readers). So even though the garden is growing and other plants are starting to bloom, we had to cover last night and probably tonight as well. My lilacs are just starting to open, but not ready for a vase indoors. so while on my walk yesterday I stole some from an abandoned yard in the neighbourhood!(they are my favorite) My other favorite is Lily of the Valley, you can almost smell their fragrance in this pic. I finally have some hummingbirds at my feeder. They started to appear around it last week, but this weekend they are actually taking nectar away and sitting a spell on my clothesline. I can watch them from my kitchen window while doing dishes!
lily of the valley
cute little hummingbird

Now for something quilting related. More going on outside than in my sewing studio. I am a week ahead on the quilting because I got to roll it midweek!! yah me!!!see here and here. I started to realize that all the pics I take of this quilt on the frame look the same. This is do mostly to the colours in the quilt. But today I would like to point out the back pole on the frame...there is getting to be less and less fabric on it, which means I am getting closer to a finish!! I didn't get the quilt positioned on the backing like I would
like it to be, so I am hoping that I don't run out of batting or backing when I get to the last roll!! Sending a little hello to the sewing Gods to watch over my quilt!!

My back is doing better although there is no gardening in the foreseeable future. I am okay with that as long as I can still quilt and that seems to be okay. I switch it up with some knitting in a more comfortable chair. That is where you will find me today after checking out what Kathy is up to! She almost fooled me today with two posts...over-achiever!!(we're friends so I can get away with saying that) So make sure to check out her blog and what everyone is slow stitching on today!

Have a good week and remember whatever you do or whoever you see this...the whole world is in just be kind. I think that is a little something all of us can do!


  1. Beautiful quilt. Glad your back is doing better!

  2. I too, pinch flowers whilst out walking. =) The fragrance of lilacs is divine. By the looks of your tree you will be enjoying the sweet scent of these pretty flowers inside your home very soon. How exciting that your quilt is getting close to the finishing line. It must be lovely to look out your window and see the beautiful hummingbirds that visit you. Great to hear that your back is getting better. Take care.


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