Sunday 24 May 2020


After what has been a busy week, it is nice to sit back and relax. Especially today sitting is about all I can do for short periods of time. Pinched my sciatic nerve and bending over is painful. So that means gardening is out although I can assist DH with where to put things and what should be planted. We managed a day of fishing too. The hottest, sunniest day of the year so far...we both got too much sun and not enough fish!

fresh made muffins

With all that was happening, I still managed to get another roll done on the quilt. I had to work a bit this morning to accomplish it! I am having fun with this one...each roll is something new!
With the warming up of the weather, we are able to eat chives  and the first feed of rhubarb from the garden. This morning I made rhubarb muffins and want to make rhubarb crisp for supper!!

Going to sit down for a bit with a cup of tea and see what Kathy is slow stitching on today. Also checking in with those who follow along on her blog.
I hope everyone is keeping healthy and finding lots to keep them busy, I know I am.


  1. Ouch, pinching one's sciatic nerve is definitely no fun. Wonderful though, you were able to enjoy a day's fishing in all that sunshine. I hope you can squeeze in a little hand stitching of your beautiful quilt. It is looking lovely. Take care.

  2. Oh, do hope your back improves very quickly, it sounds so painful. Rhubarb muffins look delicious!

  3. Hope you feel better soon! So wonderful to see your hand quilting and your baking!

  4. Those muffins look tasty, though I have never had rhubarb. I really have to try it. Your quilt is looking good. So sorry for the sciatic nerve problem. I suffered from it for many years and know the pain. It seems that my herniated discs have solved my sciatica problem. Not sure that is a good trade-off. I hope the crisp is tasty too.

  5. Hope your sciatic recovers quickly. A turn on the quilt is good progress. Muffins look delish. So far staying healthy and wearing masks and lots of hand washing.


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...