Sunday 2 September 2018

Long Weekend

waiting for fishes to come
This is a short and sweet post. I have to get moving as we are headed out to our trailer for the day. We bought a newer trailer and are trying to get some use of it before the summer is gone. We are having a family BBQ today and camping out at my sister in law's cottage.

The cottage is on a Hydro control dam but it just looks like a small lake. It is where I love to enjoy the peace and quiet and stitch away the hours. The other night I was knitting but today I will be slow stitching on my hexies. Of course while stitching, my fishing pole is close by and so is our dog Belle. She sits and watches the bobbers and just waits for us to catch a fish. I must say DH took these pics as I forgot my camera in the trailer. The sunrise pic was taken way before I ever saw daylight.

This is my last week of drops for my eye after having cataract surgery. So I haven't been sewing much and hope to get back into the swing of that next week!

Enjoy the official last weekend of summer although I am hoping that summery weather will continue for a few more weeks yet!!


  1. Sounds like a lovely site for you and your stitching buddy!! Enjoy!

  2. Enjoy your trailer and your cook out and your views! Fishing and slow stitching sounds like a great combination too <3 Kathi

  3. What a beautiful place to enjoy the end of summer! Glad your recovery is going well... it's hard to sit still and wait for the healing. Enjoy your hexies today!

  4. A beautiful and peaceful view to stitch and fish by. Have a safe and happy Labor Day

  5. What a pretty place to sit and stitch.

  6. Love the pic of your buddy waiting for fishes! What a lovely spot to wile the hours away, especially if you're stitching! :)

  7. What a beautiful place to stitch! It really looks tranquil.


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...