Sunday 29 July 2018

Slow stitching Sunday

working on the outer borders
I am taking a day to relax and get caught up on my hand quilting. I have moved from the center using the wooden hoop to doing the border with this square hoop. During this past week, it was one thing or another that kept me from stitching. I had to spend one day outside tending to the gardens. I have a few large jobs to get done in the coming weeks. I have to have eye surgery mid August and will be laid up for a few days(I hope only a few days). Being in my mid fifties, it was surprising to find out I have a cataract that needs to be removed. I will be using drops for at least a month afterwards but hope that I can get back to sewing soon after the surgery.

on deck-to finish for quilt show
I have one quilt top that needs to get finished for our quilt show in two weeks. I laid it out today to look at, as I have had trouble deciding how to quilt it.After having it spread out for the afternoon,  I think I will be machine quilting it with just straight lines with the walking foot. Keep it simple and get it done. More to come on that one in another post.

it has been a hot &dry summer
There is still a fire burning 1.5 to 2 hours west of us, among other places in Ontario. We are getting residual smoke when the wind is right. The other day it was bad enough I had to shut the house windows to keep the smell out. I don't know how those fire fighters do in and day out!Kudos to them for the job that they are doing!
This pic I copied from facebook.

The garden is starting to produce. These are jars of homemade pesto. I will freeze them and they will be yummy addition to pasta this winter. I have also pickled some dill green beans with more to come I hope!

fresh pesto
Enjoy whatever you are up to today. Join Kathy and get in some hand work and check out her blog and see what everyone is up to also.

Sunday 22 July 2018

Heat wave and fires!

As I write this the smell of smoke is in the air around me. Strong enough smell that I have to close the windows. We have large forest fires burning 1 hour south of us and an hour and half south west of us. The fire fighters have got control of one 1.5 hour north of us too. This summer is crazy dry. We have had rain but just not enough and when it rains, there is usually lightening and more fires start!!!

On a quilty/sewing note. I have been doing lots as it is too hot outside to do anything! A friend asked if I could finish a top into a quilt. Well it was a banner 42"x 120". It will be an odd sized quilt but it is done. I will show pictures after I know it has been delivered to the recipient.
hand quilting is coming along
I have also been slowly working on my hand quilting. It is coming along and working in a hoop on a table on these hot days is the only way to go. Once all the inner blocks are done, I just have to do the border and binding. It will be my last of five finished UFOs that I have finished this year for a guild challenge. This is what I will be working on today and joining my friend Kathy for some slow relaxing stitching today
leaders and enders ready to go
With the little bit of actual sewing on the machine that I have been doing, I have started Bonnie Hunter's leader and ender challenge for this year. I have hst triangles from another project that someone gave me so I am using them and adding the four patches. So this basket is all the neutrals and green to make four patches. They sit beside my machine and I can sew them up when needed.

Kathy this one is for you!
I was doing a practice piece of machine quilting this week. This picture is just for Kathy! When we had Piranha weekend, she was machine quilting and quilted a fold in her backing fabric. We giggled and snickered at her. Now it is my turn. This was just a mini quilt but once I was finished I flipped it over only to discover this little mess. Nothing else to do but get ripping and re-sewing!! I can hear you giggling Kathy!!! :)

 Have a great week ahead. I am off for another appointment at the eye doctor. Seems I have developed a cataract and need it gone. Tomorrow I go to set the date for the surgery. Wish me luck!!

Sunday 8 July 2018

ME Weekend!

no walking foot...quilting not bad
Yes it has been a quiet, no work only sewing weekend! DH has been gone since Thursday to a music festival and I am home with the dog. It has been three days of sewing. I have been  machine quilting this quilt and now I can finally get to the hand quilting. I thought it would be quicker to do the machine quilting...but THREE days. That was after I spent an afternoon quilting on my big machine only to have an issue and have to rip all the stitching out again. I don't have a lot of faith in my big machine at the moment. It will be going to the doctors shortly to see if we can find an answer to my problem.It is a tension issue that leaves little bird nests on the back of my quilt when I sew over a bulky area. SO I machine quilted this quilt on my 301A with no walking foot.It worked out very well except on the full straight lines...there is a bit fullness and some rippling but not too bad.

ready set .....get quilting
The weather has cooled a bit to 23-25 degrees Celcius during the day. Much better weather for hand quilting since I am using a hoop. I like my squarish wooden hoop for most of the work but this plastic one is great for doing borders(which will be necessary for this quilt). So today slow stitching Sunday with my buddy Kathy will be all about hand quilting. I am most excited to start on that.

Also today a friend is dropping by with a quilting job for me. She has a large banner made from cloth 4'x9' and she wants a border put on it and it made into a quilt. And I have 3 weeks to accomplish it. Stay tuned there will be more on this in a future post.

during the chase
after the chase
A little funny for today. This is Belle and she has a love/hate relationship with squirrels and chipmunks. She loves to chase them and hates when they are faster than she is(which is most of the time). She managed to chase one under the van and she is not so patiently waiting for it to come out again. In the process is getting cover with undercoating from the van! Oh Belle, it is a good thing that you are cute!!

Friday 6 July 2018

The Story of a Quilt

the individual block unit
It's a mystery they said, it will be fun they said, do it with us they said. Who is they you ask? And why oh why did I listen?!!?!
Don't get me wrong, I love mystery quilts. This one however was a bit simple in structure but had lots of options for layouts. But as luck would have it with the fabric I chose and how I used it in the quilt, there was only one option for me. So I sewed and completed the top and that is where it sat till this week.

the finished quilt top
I didn't like the finished top ! The fabrics I chose were lovely and a favourite of mine(the seashells). I have taken it out of its box a couple times, looked it over and put it away. This week I took it out once again and decided NO...I just don't like it and I can do something about that. SOOOO!!! I reversed sewed the blocks out of the quilt top. I thought maybe there was another way to rearrange the blocks. After more wasted time, I decided there was no other way to go so there they lay on my cutting table. I am going to reverse sew the blocks too. I will be left with hst of various colours combos and plain and coloured squares. I will make another quilt just not sure what it will be using all the pieces from this quilt.
my 2nd try at a layout

The colours show more vibrant in these pics but in real life the light teal and the off white are just too light I feel.I will post when I have decided what will become of them or what great creation I have come up with!!!I like all the fabrics and thought they would play nice together but they don't in this top. Maybe they are just asking to be put into another quilt top design!!!

pile of blocks that need further un-sewing

Thursday 5 July 2018

Summertime has arrived!

back of quilt, bulky seams create birdnests
With the cooler weather we had the other weekend, it is hard to remember what with the heatwave we are having!! High temperatures and humidex values have made it a stay indoors time for me. That is good as I can hide in the cooler basement and pin baste quilts. I did this one the other day and have started machine quilting it.
older machine sewing like a dream
Now anyone who has read my blog will and machine quilting...NOT a good combination. Now add to that a big fancy electronic machine with extra throat space that will not co-operate and quilt properly. So what is a girl to do....I tried something new! I moved to my 301A Singer sewing machine. I lessened the pressure on the sewing foot and I have been machine quilting all day!! There is the odd spot where I have to smooth out a small bubble but so far(knock on wood) it has been going great. I wonder if it would be any better with a proper walking foot. Maybe one day I will get one!!!

if I had started with this machine, I would be done now!
My thought process was to machine quilt the arcs of this wedding ring type quilt and they would act as my basting for the other quilting that I want to do my hand. I have done this before and really like the end result. Also it gets done a bit quicker than hand quilting the whole thing. This quilt is from a class I taught this year called Metro Rings. You can see the original post here.

mesmerized by the  night sky  

I couldn't resist taking these pictures of the sky this evening. A storm was passing by north of us and this is what I got to see!

Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...