Tuesday 5 April 2016

Hello again

our little Belle
On a good week, I am only posting once so it has been awhile! Like most people in the north I took a vacation for a week. Now don't laugh!!! I went to my DH hunt camp with him and our dog to collect sap and boil it down into a delicious treat of maple syrup.
abandon nest close to the ground
It is something he and my brother in law have wanted to do and now they can stroke that off their bucket list. Although the time there was relaxing and I got lots of knitting done...I did miss my sewing machine and quilting. With a 20 minute four wheeler ride into the bush, I was packing light and took only hand work to do. On the warmer days(not many) I sat outside knitting and watched as the sap slowly boiled away and got darker....till finally we were able to bottle our hard work to enjoy later.Did you know that warm(rather hot) sap is delicious with a tea bag in it or just alone. Talk about a sugar high though!!
moving sap from one barrel to another
So after getting home and getting caught up on laundry, groceries and all those other things we have to do, I am settling in to do some sewing. I hope my machine remembers me. My Allietare quilt came back from the long arm quilter and I got the wavy border marked and now I just have to make bias binding and sew it on. I also want to machine quilt a curvy quilt that has been waiting in the wings to be finished.So hopefully by the weekend I will have more to show quilting-wise but for now I hope you enjoy a peek at maple syrup making!!

our sugar maple bush
playing with my camera-our sap evaporator

The final result

boiling in progress

The view out the front window of the hunt camp shows we still have snow and more on the way this week. I am hoping Spring arrives soon! Have a great week.


  1. I read you Blog every once in a while Nana! I love that you enjoy blogging. And the Syrup looks Delish.. Well I know its delish I ate pancakes with mom and da when I was out there . Mmmmmm!

    1. This batch was the best even better than the first two!!!Hope you get to try it too!


You just never know!

 The other day a friend texted me and asked if I recognized the photo she sent me. It was a photo of a quilt, one that I had made last year ...