Sunday 7 September 2014

Another week gone!

when we first got her...she is 8weeks old now and growing
Well life in the house is becoming more routine with the new puppy.We are getting more and more use to each other and I am becoming more productive when she is sleeping! I got her quilt quilted this week and will spend this evening hand sewing the binding in place. Now some of my friends think I am crazy but I think even puppies deserve quilts. And I hand quilted it because experience (from my older dog's quilt)says the quilt holds up better than if you machine quilt it! Zoe my older dog will be 13 in a couple of weeks and the quilting is good on her quilt but the fabric is disintegrating. I have had to make a few repairs lately.
We also celebrated yesterday with my sister and her hubby, 25 years married. I consider this a milestone in this day and age. My hubby and I were their maid of honor and best man all those years ago.
Hopefully next week I will have more to show from the sewing room. I am waiting on two quilts, to put their bindings on so I can show them at guild in two weeks as UFOs I got finished over the summer.So there might be a lot of hand stitching in my near future. Check out what others are up to this week with and slow sunday stitching.


  1. Cute puppy, patiently waiting for the quilt!

  2. Your puppy looks so sweet! And I love her quilt. Did you have a pattern or can you post the steps? I want to make one for my "granddoggie" and I think this design is perfect for my fabric. Love it! Thanks!

    1. It was actually a pattern in Fons and Porter- Easy Quilts Magazine- Fall 2014. If you can't find the magazine, let me know and I will post the instructions.

  3. What a cute puppy! Glad everyone is settling in and the puppy quilt is close to completion.


You just never know!

 The other day a friend texted me and asked if I recognized the photo she sent me. It was a photo of a quilt, one that I had made last year ...