Sunday 18 August 2013

Summer holidays

It has been a busy two weeks. Wedding weekend and today finds me returning from DH family reunion. So not much has gotten done on the quilting front. Although I have been knitting and that is what I did today on the 5 hour drive home!
Sending thoughts and prayers out to my dear friend and her brother. These flowers are for her to let her know I am thinking of her.


  1. Thank you my friend...these are my favorite flowers and usually last for such a short period of time...until the rain flattens them...I can smell their sweetness from here!

    1. Funny you say that. This pic was taken just before a rain that did indeed flatten them!!!

  2. you must have gotten lots of knitting done during your drive home. it's such a good way to use the time.

    beautiful flowers ~ such a pretty pink color~!


    1. Did get some knitting done but alas not enough to finish it for the deadline so ripped it all out and started another project!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...