Sunday 31 March 2013

Spring has sprung!

Our dog watching for squirrels
Appliqueing down the pink corners
Happy Easter everyone...although here it looks gloomy and overcast ...Spring is definitely in the air and the snow is leaving very slowly. My pretty pic of the creek is not quite as pretty now. So before the great outdoors beckons me outside to garden and other things, I am going to try and finish up some UFO indoors. On this slow stitching sunday, that  Kathy Quilts has...I am working on some applique for a mystery quilt and hand sewing down the binding on my daughter's quilt. Yes it is finally off the poles but before she gets to take it to her new apartment, I am going to put it in our quilt show at the end of April. And if there is time before supper, I will finish the bag I started putting together yesterday. It is not ambition...but all the chocolate the Easter Bunny left that has me doing circles!!!

Daughter's quilt just needs binding completedcreek

Saturday 16 March 2013

Results of Friday Night Sew In

On her bed in her natural state

Mystery #1 love these easy to make stars with no setin seams
Well I had the house to myself last night except for the family dog. I got a lot accomplished too. I worked up the next step in a mystery I am presenting to guild this Tuesday.

After that was done...I dug out the next to last clue in Bonnie Hunter's mystery from Christmas. Now I have not been procrastinating...I am playing along as I give the clues one by one to another guild that I belong to. That's right 2 guilds...well actually three guilds all totalled, and I don't live in a big city.When my eyes had had enough of sewing, I sat down to do some relaxing handquilting on my daughter's quilt and enjoy a chick flick.One more roll of the boards and I should be able to finish it in time for our quilt show at the end of April. Dalughter Kelly was not to pleased when I told her she couldn't have her quilt till after the show! Oh well.

Bonnie Hunter Mystery

Almost finished!

Today I have to myself again..and am headed to the sewing room to finish what I started last night. I also have all the fabric picked for a baby quilt for my niece who just had a baby. Baby quilts are so much fun to make I think! Enjoy your Saturday,Nathional Quilting Day, hug a quilt or a quilter!!!

Saturday 9 March 2013

Feels like Spring

The sun is shining and the temperatures are warming up. Which all leads to time change day.Spring forward today. I giggled when I saw this pic on Bonnie Hunter's blog. There isn't enough time as it is.

I have busy quilting away on my daughter's quilt. Only a couple more rows and I will be done. Then it will be ready to go into our Spring quilt show in April. Wonder how I am gonna break that to her that she can't have it till after April 28.She has been waiting since last August.. have mentioned she is a very patient girl. Today I am spending some time in my sewing room making kits for a workshop at guild  on curve piecing. How do I get myself into these things. I will be showing how to make yoyos and how to piece the curves of a double wedding ring. Have a great weekend.

Monday 4 March 2013

Winter Wonderland

It has been snowing a little every day for the last week including today.Yup I feel like I am living in one of those shaker globes that someone doesn't want to put down because it looks so pretty. Luckily I do love the snow but only when dear hubby's tractor is working. It has a major broken part right now and we are clearing snow  the old fashion shovel. Guess that is life in northern Ontario. It is not all hardship, as I get to go for my first massage today and after all the shoveling I need it.

I spent this past Saturday at a workshop for the hunter star although  I decided to work on some UFO's instead.I made  a bag for a silent auction at our quilt show this Spring. We had 3 fat quarters given to us for $10 and we were to make somethng.I also got a baby quilt to the binding stage that will be going to Project Linus here in our area.Lastly I got some more clues done on Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt. Yes I know it was from Christmas but we are doing it as a guild project so we are just getting to the putting it together part.
It is guild meeting tonight so I am not getting too much done today but tomorrow is another day.
Oh and almost forgot big daughter got a job and has moved out. Although we are sad to see her go, she is so excited to start on the next stage in her young life!!

Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...