Sunday 1 November 2020

New month, new beginning!

binding going on
 November is the start of the wintery months in my neighbourhood. We had a cold but nice day yesterday for all the trick or treaters. Hubby and I sat outside for a few hours to handout candy. We don't get many visitors on Halloween so it was an early evening.

Today I set my mind to finishing machine quilting a single bed quilt I started the other day. The quilting got done and the binding started and then it was time to break for race day! Nascar's final playoff  race was today. Yes I have become a fan. I have a few more turns to do and the binding will be on as well. Then it is trim the quilt and hand stitch the binding down. I thought this would be my slow stitching but instead I was knitting. I am starting my Christmas knitting and am in the middle of a project. I only hope that I have enough yarn to finish it!! Yikes because I don't have enough time to rip it out and start again!!

Kathy's rule is needle, thread and slow stitching to quiet the mind. That is what I will be doing. Join Kathy and the others that are slow stitching today!

on my bulletin board to remind me

This week I received a thank you card from a young girl. I donate quilts to a young person's mental health ward at our local hospital and the card was from one of the recipients. It was a nice surprise to find in the mail as I had just dropped off three more quilts for the ward. It is sad to think that they are needed but I am glad that they are bringing comfort to these young people.


  1. How beautiful the young girl sent you a beautiful card to thank for your kindness. She will treasure her quilt. That is a lovely quilt you quilted.

  2. Wonderful that she took the time to thank you. What a great joy those quilts must bring to their recipients

  3. What a lovely thank you card! And such an important community project! Hope you enjoyed your binding!


Holiday weekend

 The first long weekend that signals the beginning of summer. While I was suppose to travel to visit my daughter, plans changed and I am hom...