Monday 18 August 2014

It's raining it's pouring...there's water in my sewing room!!!

Not a messy sewing room...

.....just a wee bit wet
Not a great way to start the morning of a day that was suppose to be my getaway day! I was doing some last minute cleaning of the family room which meant a trip to the basement with an armful and I discovered that over the last three days of rain something had gone terribly wrong and I had water in the basement...more importantly in my sewing room. Now before you all start to cry for me...nothing was harmed...well no fabric! The carpet and laminate flooring is gone now and I just have to wait for it all to dry to figure out what to do with the cement floor. I think it will get a new paint job and maybe some scatter rugs but that will be it. Then I will work to rearrange furniture so anything on the lower level is water proof if this ever happens again. I will post new pics of my rearranged sewing room. We are aware of the issue...a drainage pipe that roots grow into. We just have to remember to keep it cleaned out and we will be okay!
My day was not a total write off. My shopping trip was put off but my weekend at my friend's house went on. I wasn't going to sit here and watch the floor dry!! haha
panel before
all sewn together
I had definite projects I had to get done this weekend so I would have them ready for the fair next weekend. So I took apart a panel I had put together. I needed to cut the plaid border off the panel and add a larger one then put the outside blocks and borders onto it. Much nicer looking. I made 6 placemats and a table runner from some quilted fabric and started on a knitted hat for a baby. I just need to work on the hat this week. While at my friend Susan's house another friend of hers joined us for the day. She is just a beginner quilter and she was working on two baby quilts for her kids. The center of the quilts are from her late husband's shirts. What a great keepsake for the kids and grandkids!
There was no slow stitching for me on Sunday with Kathy although I was thinking about it ...does that count!! The garden is starting to show signs of fall so some pickling is going to have to be done and there is no time like the present. So Sunday evening after supper I picked what green beans I could and made dill green beans, we love them almost as much as dill cucumbers!! And while wandering around outside I noticed that my lilies are starting to bloom. I just love these ones and the fragrance was almost overpowering. Hoping for some warm sunny weather so things dry up a bit and we get a little more summer before September arrives!

four blooming and two to go


  1. Thinking about it doesn't count! You have to actually stitch something my friend! The pickled green beans look like a real treat!
    So glad that no fabrics or quilts were harmed in the flood :)

    1. Actually I did do some binding in the morning before I left my friend's I did get in a little slow stitching!!

  2. Floods can be so destructive. I am so glad it was not a catastrophe!


Holiday weekend

 The first long weekend that signals the beginning of summer. While I was suppose to travel to visit my daughter, plans changed and I am hom...