Sunday 4 September 2022

Piranha Weekend roundup!

us Piranhas

third time's the charm

The tables are packed up, the sewing room has been returned to the family TV room and everyone has gone home. The weekend went by way too quickly. We got in visits with other friends, got to meet a deer(a real life Bambi although she is a girl) and got to visit our local Fall fair. That is alot to pack into a day and still get some sewing done.There is more about the piranhas here.

toddler quilt
I finished a postcard for a guild member and sent it out last week. I worked on a toddler quilt that will be gifted later. I got the blocks sewn together and on my Wednesday sewing day, I got the top together. The photo isn't the best, the blue is actually dark teal and I think it works very well with the flannel kitty print in the middle of the blocks.

toddler quilt top
This week I have started a new project. I can show this much but for the rest of the story, it will have to wait till they are finished and gifted!
new project

I will be doing some slow stitching today to finish up these heart blocks then more knitting while the Nascar race is on!! Check in with Kathy, apparently I helped her alot while she visited. Nothing I wouldn't do for a friend!

Enjoy your week ahead, it will be a shorter one as Monday is a holiday!

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful weekend together... thanks for a fabulous time! You were so quick in getting that quilt top sewn - great choice for the cornerstones!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...