Sunday 7 February 2021

Snowfall Lockdown

In the middle of a squall
Who wants or can go anywhere with the weather we have been having.  The sun is finally shining after two and half days of snow and snow squalls. At times it was sure pretty to watch from the sewing studio through the big picture window.  I felt like someone had locked me in a snow globe of my own. But all that snow meant at some point I would have to help do some clean up.  I thought I would take a pic of my snowman I made before Christmas. He was at least 6' tall, I am 5'2" and I was looking up at him. Well needless to say he isn't shrinking but the snow is piling up.
He won't fall over now!

In between all the falling flakes I did get my Morewood designs mystery put together. I was going to add borders but thought no and glad I did. There was just enough of the background I used to make a backing. Win win!!

Morewood mystery
                    I also finished a Christmas present. We haven't seen our daughter as yet so our Christmas is going to be late this year! We are so hoping the lockdown will be lifted this week so we can get together. I am also trying to finish the binding on a quilt. It is a big 96" square quilt so the stitching is for evening TV watching and is going slowly! Love the bias check for this quilt, it was perfect!!

binding waiting 
My friend Carla at Quilting by the River is starting a quilt along this coming week. Check out her facebook page(Quilting by the River) to join in the fun. There is a small $10 fee to join. Every two weeks she does a facebook live and helps with hints and tricks and can answer questions you may have. Her last quilt along I finished in half size blocks. You can see it here.

Slow sunday stitching...well what is left of Sunday, will be some hand quilting for me. I am nearing the end of a row and will be able to roll the quilt again. Perhaps by next Sunday I might be at the center of the quilt!!!

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Oh, I love your description of living in a snow globe. Snow globes are always so pretty. Your new quilt along sounds like fun. Morewood Mystery is looking lovely. Enjoy stitching that binding.

  2. Look at all that snow!! Beautiful. Love your daughter’s quilt binding.

    1. That quilt is for me, I finished a king size duvet cover for her.


Holiday weekend

 The first long weekend that signals the beginning of summer. While I was suppose to travel to visit my daughter, plans changed and I am hom...