Sunday 7 June 2020

Relaxing Sunday morning

lake view

DH has headed out to do some errands and hit a store or two before everyone even gets out of bed. It is quieter and there are less people. I am not minding letting him go to the store while I stay at home.

I worked a bit in the garden yesterday, no bending, so crawling on hands and knees. It saved my back a bit but today will still be a relaxing day for me and quilting will be on the agenda.
 I can almost see the other end of the quilt on the frame. You can read more about it here as I had a mid week roll and will hopefully get another one done today! That would put me 3 weeks ahead of schedule....yahooo!

I have also been working on my hexies again. I take them out every now and again. This week we were out fishing from shore and while watching and hoping the bobber would duck underwater(meaning I caught a fish)I finished 4 more hexie diamonds for my top. It is the perfect take-along sewing that I can drop in a flash to reel in the big one!! I did catch one pike!

This is my second post with the new blogger format. Is anyone 
else using it and having problems or issues. Once I found the new post button, I was okay. There are a few new things and just learning where all those needed buttons and keys are will take some getting use to.This old dog is going to have to learn some new tricks!!I know it is hard changing and learning new things but lets see what we can do!
With coffee in hand I will be sitting here after I post to see what is happening in Kathy's world and those that join her for slow stitching Sunday. Hope you all have a great day and allow yourself to do something nice for you, we deserve it!!


  1. What a beautiful view for your stitching! Enjoy! I have done two posts with the new format and think I have managed to figure most things out, too. Not sure why it needed to change, but then technology always does!

  2. Such a pretty view to sit and stitch and catching a fish to boot! I must have hit the 'revert to old' on blogger since I have not had an issue. I'll have to go investigate on blogger.

  3. I think I have still been using the old blogger, but have still been having some problems. I will have to check out the new one I guess.

  4. Smart gardening by saving your back. A lovely place to sit, fish and stitch!


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Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...