Monday 16 September 2019

Whirlwind holidays!

preparing for shoot
After reading Kathy's posts about visiting me, I have a few more photos from that weekend to share!We did have so much fun with each other. I put my blog stalking skills to work too. While Kathy was trying to get the best photo of her quilt top, I was goofing around trying to get "behind the scenes" pics! Someone else was taking pics of me! Pretty funny!!
You can check out Kathy's blog and her view from that day here.

just the right position for the photo
blog stalker!!

Wedding quilt finished
On that weekend I was working on a quilt for a wedding gift. Well it has been gifted and I can show the finished product. It took till the day before the wedding to finish the binding and wash it but lots of time to spare...or at least that is what I told the hubby!!

After the wedding weekend, hubby and I took a weeks holiday. We packed up the trailer, truck, boat and dog and headed out for a few days of fishing and relaxing.
home away from home and Belle
1st morning view
This was our view for the week. On the first morning it was cool and frosty but we were determined to go fishing. It was the best day, we caught 6 pickerel fish. We had never caught that many before. Unfortunately it was the best fishing day, the rest of the week we caught less and  less. The last day we went fishing, we came home empty handed but we had fun fishing!! Hubby made a portable fire pit for us to enjoy. The door was even big enough so I could roast marshmallows..smores were dessert a couple of nights. On the one rainy day we had we stayed at the trailer and I got to do some hand work. My hexies are never very far away. I wonder if I will ever get this top finished?!?!
2nd fishing day- 4 fish
sitting under the awning-all set to stitch

our last night camping

Our holiday was relaxing but back to reality! The garden is just about finished, meaning growing so there is lots to harvest and put away for the winter. Pickling will fill a few days then into quilting season!! Back to guild meetings and a routine of being home and getting into my sewing room! Stay tuned for what I am sewing on or starting new. Retreat weekend will be here before I know it so I better get to work!

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Deanna. I enjoyed reading your post very much and thanks for sharing your wonderful camping trip with Belle and hubby. I'm envious esp. of your fishing, something I love but never get to do. Yes, it is back to our seasonal comforts tho staying quite warm here in the Ottawa valley. Happy Stitching from me!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...