Sunday 24 February 2019

Oh February....where did you go??

baggie scrap quilt-maybe another border??
Time does fly...want to keep it from going by so quickly? Get sick...that's right catch the flu and be sick for a seems to last for a month. As I cough and hack...I write this post. This past week has been a long one with nothing to do but rest and sip tea. I had no ambition to do anything till later in the week and then it was only knitting. So I have made up time in the last two days ...sewing all afternoon. Yesterday I got one quilt top finished from a baggie of scraps that I found. Then last evening I  sewed together the blocks for a quilt I am doing for guild. It still needs a plain then a piano key border. Today I cut the scraps for the piano key border and started sewing them together.

bad weather+studio pic=seeing my messy room
But in the midst of all this sewing...I realized I didn't have a leader and ender that I could use....!!!So I dug into another box and found some tumbler pieces. Everything I was doing was put on hold so I could figure out where I was with those tumblers and where I was going. After some thought, I was back on track and more sewing was completed before supper.

Now this all sounds like great accomplishments and it is but only tops are getting completed. I really need to find more time to actually finish a quilt completely...there are a few waiting patiently for me to get busy!!
piano key border in the making
As usual today on this miserable rainy,wet, snowy day I checked in with my friend Kathy. Slow stitching is her thing and we can see what see has been up to and join in with her. She has been a busy lady this week. My slow stitching will wait till a bit later with a movie and some knitting. I am getting the hand quilting bug too. I so want to do some hand quilting. Wonder if I have a quilt to quilt...bahaha!!!

Catch up with you all later...stay safe and healthy!!

Sunday 3 February 2019

Ground hog day!!

Yes ground hog day was yesterday and whether he did or not...I think it will take till June for all this snow to melt away!
view out my front window
So while I am waiting and shoveling...I will quilt and hope for nicer days ahead. Don't get me wrong, I do love the winter and snow but the weather is either snowy or frigidly cold, there is no in between.
We have been doing renovations and another room is complete. So now I have some time to sew until my painting skills are required again.
I got new sub-floor in my basement sewing room so some cleaning and purging went on. That kept me busy all last week. I also found a few projects that were set aside and forgotten. I took one of those out and got to finishing it. I completed it in the "quilt as you go" method. As I was hand stitching the sashing last night....I remembered why I am not so fond of this method. Good thing it is only a small quilt. I am gifting it so no pics.So when I am done posting this, I will be making binding for it and that will be my slow stitching for today. Although not a football fan, I will be checking in with Kathy and her friends to see what they are up to today on Super bowl Sunday!!!
It is the time of year that I usually have a quilt on the frame for hand quilting. I am indeed getting the itch but with renos on-going not sure it is the right time. Maybe I can set one up to do in a hoop...yes maybe that is what I will do. Until then, I am sure I can find more projects to get to the next stage of completion.

Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...