Sunday 29 April 2018

Slow going!

Well hubby said the other day he felt Spring was here. I thought he was joking especially with the snowflakes falling outside. But a few days later he shaved off his beard, now that's a truer sign of Spring to me!!
More snowflakes fell on the weekend too but now the sun is shining the that white stuff(that I love) is disappearing. The creek is thundering along. Although this video was from last year...looks much the same this year!
I have been busy with seedlings and making sure they are watered and growing although some of them are not looking too healthy, I am hoping they make a comeback!
So very little is getting done in the sewing room but another roll was made this week on the quilting frame and I can almost see the finish line.

At guild this week we had a lovely trunk show by a fellow member (Alexandra) of another guild. She did a great job and I wish I could show you some of the quilts but I forgot my camera. I am pretty sure she will be doing another show one day...her work was amazing.

I will be stitching along with Kathy and friends tonight. Need a little wind down from the busy weekend. Hand quilting will be done and maybe some knitting after dark with a movie.

Sunday 22 April 2018

Could it be..... it just around the corner? Only time will tell but the sun is shining and it is getting warmer out. Which means muddy yard and muddy doggie foot prints in the house!
Tomato plants
cabbage and broccoli
As DH is out boiling sap, I am trying to get in some sewing and hand quilting before yard work starts beckoning.We have some plants under artificial light that are growing....we are just hoping they aren't ready to go outside before it is warm enough. Luckily DH has a small greenhouse we could put them in for a bit.
hand quilting frame is advancing ...slowly

The hand quilting on the frame is coming along. With it staying light after supper now...I find that is the time I enjoy sitting there and getting in some stitches.

3" finished churn dashes

I have also started a new quilt. Well I have started putting it together. I worked on it last Fall at my retreat. You can look here at what I was doing. Everyone thought me crazy with those tiny blocks. Little did some of them know it would become a workshop for the guild some of us belong to!!It is just a simple looking quilt but ohhh the scraps that you can use up. Not to mention this piece of fabric that I am using for the alternate blocks...I think it has been in my stash for a bit!

I did have a finish this week too. My friend Susan long armed my quilt and I put the binding on it this week. Then on a windy day I took it outside to get a picture of it. I had to get in a sheltered spot out of the wind then I just hoped it didn't end up in the creek which is partially open.

So once I have cleaned up the kitchen, put laundry away...I will be headed to the sewing room for some ME time!! I will be checking in with my friend Kathy and seeing what others are up to for slow stitching Sunday. Enjoy this beautiful sunny Earth Day!

Monday 2 April 2018

Sapping Season

Hubby's sap evaporator
The maple sap is running somewhat. It has gotten colder again so it has stopped for now. We have some to boil what ran on the weekend. What does all this mean...I am not getting much sewing done!

I had a couple of finishes this week. My tumbler quilt is DONE!!!! I also got the borders on my Metro Rings it is ready for pin basting and some machine quilting. I also want to do some hand quilting on this one.It is also my last UFO that I signed up to finish this year at guild.It and the snowman quilt on the frame are my last two. That will make five quilts finished since October once they are done, not bad!!

top of tumblers before quilting
My friend was here for a visit and took another of my quilts home with her to long arm. In the near future she has offered to finish a couple more of mine for me!! It will be nice to get those tops done and out of the UFO pile that is growing in my sewing room. Thanks Susan!!!

I am also checking in with my friend Kathy. Although a day late, it is still nice seeing what everyone is working on these

Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...