Sunday 25 September 2016

Driving hangover!

store sample

Good thing it is slow stitching Sunday....that is all my body and soul wants or could do. A bit of an explanation is in order. Yesterday my friend Bernadette and I went on a shop hop. We went to stores I had never been to before so that was fun.We started out at 7 am yes AM, 2.5 hour drive to the first store and we were there for opening. But we were also in for a surprise. We thought there were only 6 stores and we knew we could get them covered in the day...but at the first store we mentioned as we were down, five to go and the lady said....nooo!! That is when we started to get a little nervous..they had added two more stores. Could we get them all covered in one day...SURE we could skip lunch or eat in the van inbetween stores. WE GOT THIS!!!We did a couple quick stops and Bernadette made sure we stayed on schedule. She was a great navigator with her phone...right down to how many meters till the next turn!!

could fit in one bag
So today I am putting away my few purchases and getting my house in order so I can enjoy my week and not have to do housework!! There will definitely be some slow stitching with Kathy
later on in the afternoon for me so I can rest this achy back of mine.I have been doing physio and it is getting better, it is just more annoying than anything.
Lots of things happening this week, so come back and visit and see what I am up to!!

Sunday 18 September 2016

There's a nip in the air...

A nip in the air and some frost during the full moon and you know that you are into Fall. All that and this weekend DH is away getting the hunt camp ready for the coming season. That has meant I have had a few days to myself. They have flown by too. I got a little housework done after dealing with a pinched nerve in my back all week. But mostly I just hand quilted and watched Netflix. I have been watching a show called "Offspring". An Australian based drama/comedy about a gyne/ob doctor and her family members. It is quite entertaining!
rounding the first corner
In keeping with Sunday and Kathy's slow stitching movement ...a time to relax after a busy week, I will be doing more hand stitching. I have been finishing a quilt for a friend that her mother started. Her mother was a beautiful hand quilter(her stitches are so small). My stitches are no way as small but finishing this quilt for my friend is a labor of love so that she will have a special keepsake that her mom's hands created. I am on the home stretch...just have three outside borders to go, then binding and delivery. The binding could be a challenge as I have none of the fabrics that are in the quilt ( I am thinking some of those fabrics are older than me)but I am thinking a scrappy binding to match the leaves.I may have some similar fabric in my "deep" stash as Bonnie Hunter says!! On another note, the first thing I noticed when I received this quilt was that it was basted with yarn and I thought it was odd...but I have to say it holds the quilt in place much better than thread basting. The only drawback is when pulling it out the batting beards a little but is easily tucked back in. I want to try this on the next quilt I baste.

colourful fall leaves

I want to fit in some machine sewing today also and IF I do this is what I am working on. It has been sitting on my cutting table for two weeks.Yes it has been two weeks since I sat at a machine...please don't call the quilting police on me!!!!haha These are swoon blocks that I will be doing a demo on at guild in a couple of weeks. They look complicated but are really very easy to do and depending on where you put your lights and darks, the blocks look totally different.
swoon blocks in progress
Typing on here is not getting any sewing or stitching done...have a great week!!!

Sunday 11 September 2016

Running, running, running!

bride and groom
Yes it has been a fast and furious couple of days. Travelled to see out daughter and attend a friend's daughter's wedding. The red and white quilt I have been working on was for this bridal couple. They finally have it in their hands and I think they like it!!It was a great wedding held in the groom's large garage on a beautiful day in September. We drove home the next day in rain, the whole 5 hour drive of rain. So I would say the couple got very lucky to have had such a great day.

Today I was gone for the whole day to our quilt show in North Bay. I had 8 entries ranging from large, wallhanging to even a mini. I had one guest to the show asking about a quilt I have for sale. She might get back to me as she wants to make sure it would be a good size for her bed. By the end of the day all ribbon winners were also chosen. I received a 2nd place viewer's choice ribbon. I think that is very exciting. So now maybe I can sell it for more as it is a ribbon winner?!?!haha
hand quilted ribbon winner

So tonight it is a relaxing evening. I need to rest up from these busy days. Fall is fast approaching so things in the garden need tending to...anyone need zucchini?!
I will be checking in with everyone over at Kathy's blog and see what you are all working on. My evening will be putting a few more hand quilting stitches in the quilt I have been working on for a friend. Not sure what new projects might be on the horizon but stay tuned to find out.

Have a great week!

Sunday 4 September 2016

Slowly stitching away!

And by slowly stitching...I am speaking about my speed. Most everything has slowed down this week especially me. I somehow managed to catch a whopping head cold that has knocked me on my butt. Heavy sweater and some time sitting under a quilt hand qulting has passed the time. But I am done with can leave now! I have places to be and people to see.
Our area is hosting a quilt show this coming weekend Sept 10-11 in North Bay. "Quilts by the Bay" is held every three years. Although it is put on by many guild members, the show itself is not sponsored by any guilds and you don't have to be a guild member to show your quilts.

pink colour catchers
But before that happens for me, I have a family friend getting married out of town and we wouldn't miss it. Her sister was married earlier this summer and now it is her turn. It has been a busy summer for this family. The bride's aunt and I have been asked to be the unofficial wedding coordinators for the afternoon ...very exciting (although I am sure everything is taken care of). This all leads me to my quandary....I made the happy couple a quilt and really wavered on washing it. It needed to be washed to rid it of pencil marks but with all the red and plain white...I was afraid of bleeding. Enter two colour catchers and they did their jobs well. I will show the colour catchers but the quilt will have to wait one more week! Don't want to give everything away.
Beans,peppers, tomatoes and zucchinis
The weather here is turning cooler and as some things in the garden are just about done, others are just starting. Cucumbers and zucchinis are starting to produce now but beans and peas are almost done for the season. Around this area it is called "lock your doors season"...if you don't, you may find zucchinis have come to visit!!

 So today I will be slow stitching along with Kathy, thinking healthy thoughts and kicking this cold to the curb. Might even go outside to soak up some rays and mow the lawn. Enjoy your long weekend...last of the summer and the beginning of Fall.

Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...