Sunday 29 March 2015

Spring Fever

enjoying the sunshine
Not that it is getting any warmer or nearer to looking like Spring...but I feel like getting projects done and I am accomplishing just that. This week I have finished that quilt for my friend, got a quilt top done that I have been working on, helped my sister create a baby quilt, my apple cores are to the point of binding and I have put binding on two charity quilts. I picked those up at guild this week and will be working on them today for my slow stitching Sunday.The fabric on them is a panel and is the same but I put two different coloured bindings on them and does it ever make the overall quilt look different!
ready to be delivered
apple cores will be bound in red
two charity quilts to bind today

After my exciting day last week, you can read about the here....I just have the urge to sew or quilt every project. Do you ever have hills and valleys in your quilting? Or maybe I am having feelings of not wanting anyone to go into my sewing room after I am gone and discover all that I have and haven't done!!! I am realizing it takes so little time to do some things. As little as 10 minutes here or an hour there and you can have a few things done. In between all the sewing I have been doing leaders and enders with these triangles and soon they will be to a point where another top will be ready to quilt! It is  Bonnie Hunter's Jamestown Landing.So try today to see what you can fit into even a small amount of time, maybe just a little hand stitching!


  1. Love the photo of the furry sunbathers!
    You have quite a to-do pile there... enjoy your stitching!

  2. Binding is a very popular activity this week for the slow stitchers! I like to have lots of projects on the go as well. I have not started anything new for a while though...

  3. Oh I so agree we waste so much time. We can get alot accomplished in those few minutes here and there. So thankful for my room where I can escape and enjoy

  4. Hmm, I'll have to see how my leaders and enders are doing...kind of put them aside lately.

  5. It sounds like you have been really busy. Your sewing room sounds like mine!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...