Sunday 8 September 2013

Slow Sunday

Dinos for a little boy
It is not just a slow stitching Sunday but a very slow lazy Sunday at my house. We celebrated DH birthday last night with friends and it turned into a late night. But I did get some things done today. This baby quilt, for a friend's grandson has to be finished this week. No pressure. I am planning on machine quilting it...wish me luck. Machine quilting is not my favorite thing to do but I am just stippling and maybe some free hand bones in the borders.

On the slow stitching front with Kathy at Kathy's Quilt's, I plan to relax after supper and continue the work on that wedding quilt.Now that my garden is almost empty, I  must buckle down and get it finished or else Christmas sewing season will be here and nothing will be finished. Looks like the week ahead will be a hand quilting week!!


  1. Such a cute little dino quilt! I love it. I too hope to machine quilt a little this week if the machine will cooperate with the FMQ. Enjoy your hand stitching today.

  2. Love your dino quilt. So cute! I am not a machine quilter but every once in awhile I try. A large meander or straight lines, enjoy the hand quilting so much better. It is hard to get as much done, so maybe I should practice more!

  3. cute little Dino quilt and i love the idea of bones in the border~!!

    your hand quilting is beautiful.

    happy slow sunday stitching.

  4. Now what is better than a hand quilting week?!?!? Nothing!!
    Thanks for linking up my friend!

    1. You know those best laid plans...only got to quilt after supper most nights.


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...