Sunday 29 May 2022

Almost June..when did that happen

forget me nots

 I have gone from wanting to post at least once a week to just barely getting in once a month. Where does the time go. This week will be the start of June and as we head into summer, I am sure the time is going to fly by!

lilacs about to bloom
I am just about finish cleaning and moving at my mother's house. It went on the market last week. Hoping for good news this week that it is sold! I have also been cleaning up my yard. It is rather large and lots of places to hide things, but it is time for it to move on. Now to clear off my "to do list" which seems to grow daily then I can get back into the sewing room. I unfortunately added one more thing to the list too. If I don't want to push mow my lawn for the summer, I have to go and buy a riding lawnmower. It has been in the plan but I thought I had some time to go!
rest in's broke

I really have been doing more knitting than sewing lately although I do get in a bit of sewing. There are many 5 inch blocks in this latest project.97 of block A and 98 of block B. That is for the size on the pattern but I might make mine just a little larger. I will decide that later.

 More yard work to do while the day is nice and before the rain comes, so I will be checking in with Kathy later. But you can find out what everyone is up to this week if you visit Kathy and all her slow stitching followers.

lonely tulip and lily of the valley


  1. Hope things get sorted with your Mom's house... that's a lot of work. And do take some time for Slow Sunday Stitching in the gazebo :)

    1. That might be tomorrow as it is suppose to be hot here!! I will cheat and slow stitch a day later!!

  2. Hope your Mom's house sells quickly. I have a lot of clean-up in the yard to do too. I have almost finished cleaning up my husband's workshop/garage. I need to blow some more sawdust/cobwebs down from the rafters, so I can move my guild's Community Service stash out there that are in plastic totes.

    1. I haven't even started on the garage. He liked to putter and create things from scratch. So lots of metal and scrap things. Been working on cleaning that up and trying to get the regular yard work done. Hope you are doing well and taking time for yourself too so as not to get over whelmed.

  3. It certainly was a big job getting your Mother's house ready for sale, no doubt quite emotional for you as well. And looking after a big yard takes a lot of time. I love your sweet lily of the valley, havent seen these flowers for quite a long time.

  4. I hope your mom's house sells quickly. So sorry that you have to rush to get the ride on mower. Enjoy your knitting and least what you can get around too. It sounds like you are very busy lately.


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...