Sunday 20 June 2021

Another First

Father's day is another in a long list of firsts that my daughter and I  are to experience this year.  He is in my thoughts and heart everyday. 
This has been an especially melancholy filled week for me so finding enough ambition to do anything was difficult. I always have knitting of some sort on the go and it was easy to pick up and keep my hands busy. I also worked a bit  on those secret quilts. Appliqueing hearts to go into the third quilt. I should be able to sew it up into a finished top this week. I really have to get to basting them and getting them quilted. But for now I am in the mood to piece the tops, the rest of it will happen in time.

I still have this quilt in the hand quilting frame and have only worked on it a bit. I am only a couple turns away from being finished so maybe this will happen  in the coming weeks. You can read more about it here.
Looking in to see what everyone is slow stitching on today. Kathy brings us altogether on Sundays to slow down, breathe and use needle and thread to reconnect. I love reading what everyone is doing. My new community of friends although most of you I have not ever met but yet I have received words of sympathy and encouragement over the past four months. I am so grateful for that.

I met up with a knitting friend this week that I haven't seen since Covid started. She told me she sees my blog posts through Kathy's slow stitching sunday posts. So today, hello Julie...hope you are enjoying the posts here and it was nice to chat even for a short bit in the dentist's office!


  1. Hi Julie! Thanks for following along with our stitching adventures!
    I love seeing your quilt on the frame Deanna... you don't know how much I long to pull up a chair and stitch with you, and enjoy the luxury of a nice long visit! I know today is hard for you... Ted was such an amazing father (to his human child and to his fur babies!) and we can all be thankful to have known him XOXO

    1. Thanks Kathy. Maybe by Fall we might be able to sneak in a visit!!I so hope!

  2. Thinking of you on this day, even though we've never met. Your appliqued hearts in plaids are so pretty. Hope you'll have some time today to do some slow stitching and breathe!

  3. I too am having a really hard time today. It was hard watching TV last night with all the Father's Day commercials. I understand about the ambition to work on anything. I have had the same problem. Thinking of you and praying that we both can get through this day.

  4. Your work is lovely. I hope today is a good day for you and your daughter.

  5. Thought I’d add something for you to smile about: I’m knitting socks. Gee thanks friend- I think!!!

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Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...