Sunday 4 October 2020

I'm back!!

some pickling 

 I  can't believe it has been a whole month since I blogged. I am going to have to pull up my socks!! It has been a busy month and things are finally starting to settle down and get into winter mode. The gardens are empty except for some potatoes and all the pickling is done!!(thank God)!! We alo fit in a week of camping/fishing with our daughter and her boyfriend. So now I am ready to get back into my sewing room and settle down for the long winter ahead!

A good start for that is a friend has asked me to proof her newest pattern and sew it up in my colours. Nothing like jumping in with both feet...quilting math will get you started and make you want to continue. The proofing was done last weekend and then I couldn't wait to start on the actual quilt. The quilt is called "Marquise" by Carla Alexiuk whose blog is Quilting by the River. She used Studio 180 rulers so things are all squared up and sewing is easier and more accurate. It took no time to get the sewing done (once I got to it) and today I finished the borders so I could show the finished top. I think this top was meant to be as I had just enough of the blue and gold fabrics to put them where I wanted. With the Canadian theme of the quilt(there are words to the national anthem on the blue and cream fabric) I think this quilt may become a donation to Quilts of Valor. You can contact Carla through her blog for more information or if you want to buy the pattern. (shameless plug for a friend)

finished quilt
sample shot of block

The knitting needles have been calling. A few friends and I have started meeting again to knit. We are a small group so not to worry. So I started my Christmas knitting on Friday. It is going to be a slow project as it is really challenging me to keep the correct stitch count going! It will be my VERY slow stitching for this afternoon when I join Kathy and others in taking some quiet time for myself.

But right now I have a sewing room to tidy up and get ready for the next project. I think a new clue came out this week for the Morewood Mystery and I have two projects from last year's guild to finish. No lack of things to do!!


  1. Gosh, you certainly did "jump in with both feet". But may I say, you seem to have had not a single problem with this beautiful quilt. I am afraid that "quilting math" would be the undoing of me. =)

  2. Oh it looks beautiful. I can’t thank you enough my dear Friend. I hope I get to see it in person soon


Holiday weekend

 The first long weekend that signals the beginning of summer. While I was suppose to travel to visit my daughter, plans changed and I am hom...